Thursday, August 18, 2022

Matching Column for SSC


Suggestions on Matching

Match the parts of sentences given in column 'A' column ‘B’ and C to write five complete senteces. There are more parts of sentences in column 'B' than required.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Morality ignores logic and cultivates and reason. conscience

(i) himself in a proper way and cultivate

i) which cannot ignore logic and reason

(b) It helps a man guide

(ii) is increasing and we are losing

(ii)and right and Wrong.

(c) It is such a great power

(iii) from our childhood, we shall 

(iii) the invaluable virtue of  morality

(d) But now a days moral erosion

(iv) that it grows  naturally in Human  behavior

(iv) fail in every  aspect of life

e) If we do not practice morality

(v) by which man can judge  good or bad 

(v) all the virtues to become a Complete man.



a. (a+v+ii) Morality develops the conscience by which man can judge good or bad and right and wrong.

b. (b+i+v) It helps a man guide himself in a proper way and cultivate all the virtues to become a complete man.

c. (c+iv+i) It is such a great national power that it grows naturally in human behavior which cannot ignore logic and reason.

d. (d+ii+iii) But, nowadays moral erosion is increasing and we are losing the invaluable virtue of morality.

e. (e+iii+iv) If we do not practice morality from our childhood, we shall fail in every aspect of life.






Column A


Column B

(a) Tolerance is not only 

has to live in a spirit

at the same time ready to be persuaded by practicing sweet and reasonableness.

(b) Man, being a social being, 

an abstract virtue but also a

considerable influence in the current affairs of life

(c) It is such a process

tolerance is a social virtue

simple affairs of life

(d) We cannot persuade others

give and take is

of harmony and cooperation with others in society

e) it is thus seen that

unless we ourselves are

which is opposed to dogrnatism and dictatorship



(a) Tolerance is not only an abstract virtue but also a considerable influence in the current affairs of life.

(b) Man, being a social being, has to live in a spirit of harmony and cooperation with others in society.

(c) In such a process, give and take is simple affairs of life.

(d) We cannot persuade others unless we ourselves are at the same time ready to be persuaded by practicing sweet and reasonableness.

(e) It is thus seen that tolerance is a social virtue which is opposed to dogmatism and dictatorship.


Column A

Column B

(a)Introverts ' and extroverts are 

(i) Introverts ' and extroverts are 

(b) They are sheer

(ii) outgoing, noisy, and dominating in nature

(c)Introverts are quiet and they

(iii) to remain isolated. 

(d) ) In Contrast extroverts are usually

(iv) two peculiar types personalities

e) Unlike the introverts like 


(v) diametrically opposite in nature

(vi) like talking too Much. 

(vii) to be in the form



a. (a+iv) Introverts and extroverts are two peculiar types of personalities.

b. (b+v) They are sheer diametrically opposite in nature.

c. (c+i) Introverts are quiet and they don't like talking too much.

d. (d+ii) In contrast, extroverts are usually outgoing, noisy and dominating in nature.

e. (e+iii) Unlike the introverts, they don't like to remain isolated.




Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Digital means using a system of 

(i) the implementation of technology 

i) in the field of communicati  of century

(b) The philosophy of 'Digital

Bangladesh means

(ii) declared the vision which targets

(ii) in the premises of education health etc.

(c) Bangladesh is resounding

(iii) with the target 

(iii) the establishment of resourceful country by 2021

(d)The Use of digital technology

(iv) receiving and sending information

(iv) through electrical signals

e) The present government

(v) has been playing a vital role

(v) of achieving Digital Bangladesh



(a+iv+iv) Digital means using a system of receiving and sending information through electrical signals.

(b+i+ii) The philosophy of 'Digital Bangladesh means the implementation of technology in the premises of education, health etc.

(c+iii+v) Bangladesh is resounding with the target of achieving 'Digital Bangladesh,

(d+v+i) The use of digital technology has been playing a vital role in the field of communication of the 21st century.

(e+ii+iii) The present government declared the vision which targets the establishment of resourceful country by 2021.





Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) The Olympic games 

(i) that the games were first held

i) about such wasteful strife

(b) It was in Olympia

(ii) became concerned

(ii) after the town of Olympia in Greece

(c) In those days Greece

(iii) use to fight in one another 

(iii) most of the time

(d) Men of different

(iv) were named

(iv) Long before the Christian era began.

e) A man named IPhoto’s

(v) was divided

(v) into many cities



(a+iv+ii) The Olympic Games were named after the town of Olympia in Greece.

(b+i+iv) It was in Olympia that the games were first held long before the Christian era began.

(c+v+v) In those days Greece was divided into many cities.

(d+iii+iii) Men of different cities used to fight one another most of the time.

(e+ii+i) A man named Iphitos became concerned about such wasteful strife.




Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Education is not mere bookish knowledge 

(i) which will train us


i) as a good citizen of the country in particular and of the world in general

(b) a Truly educated man knows

(ii) we cannot be compensated for

(ii) to use our knowing a lot

(c) on the other hand without wisdom

(iii) rather it is much

(iii) by knowing a lot

(d) again, the lack of wisdom


(iv) we cannot make the best use of our knowledge and

(iv) more than that

e) So, we need a special kind of education

(v) how to lead a happy and useful life

(v) so we remain foolish



(a+iii+iv) Education is not mere bookish knowledge, rather it is much more than that.

(b+v+i) A truly educated man knows how to lead a happy and useful life as a good to citizen of the country in particular and of the world in general.

(c+iv+v) On the other hand, without wisdom we cannot make the best use of our knowledge and so we remain foolish.

(d+ii+iii) Again, the lack of wisdom cannot be compensated for by knowing a lot.

(e+i+ii) So, we need a special kind of education which will train us to use our knowledge wisely




Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) The role of women in nation building

(i) which will train us the only  instrument

i) without any dignity and honor

(b) It is not possible

(ii) The outlook and attitude of the world

(ii) to serve the family affairs

(c) There was a time

(iii) Can’t be denied

(iii) towards women has changed

(d) They were

(iv) when woman were looked upon

(iv) any more in the situation of the world

e) But with the Progress of civilization

(v) for any nation to reach its goal

(v) without allowing the woman folk to play their active role



(a+iii+iv) The role of women in nation building can't be denied any more in the situation of the world.

(b+v+v) It is not possible for any nation to reach its goal without allowing the women folk to play their active role.

(c+iv+i) There was a time when women were looked upon without any dignity and honour.

(d+i+ii) They were the only instrument to serve the family affairs.

(e+ii+iii) But with the progress of civilization the outlook and attitude of the world towards women has changed.




Column A

Column B

(a) Truthfulness is the greatest of

(i) It comes to life

(b)We mist cultivate the habit

(ii) Win the respects others

(c) Otherwise We will never

(iii)of the liar is reviled

(d)A lie never lies

(iv) the real character

e)\Today or tomorrow

(v) hidden for long


(vi)all human virtues


Of speaking the truth



(a+vi) Truthfulness is the greatest of all human virtues.

(b+vii) We must cultivate the habit of speaking the truth.

(c+ii) Otherwise we will never win the respect of others.

(d+v) A lie never lies hidden for long.

(e+i) Today or tomorrow it comes to light.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) We can't Ensure

 preserved  For both 

 working for human rights

(b) Right should be

Right is a crime

without  establishing human rights

(c) Human rights are violated

Peace and prosperity

the privileged the underprivileged 

classes of people

(d)Violation of human

 is an organization

and society should get rid of it

e)Human Rights commission

 Throughout the world

because of violence and terrorism


(a) We can't Ensur Peace and prosperity without establishing human rights.

(b) Right should be preserved for both the privileged the underprivileged classes of people.

(c) Human rights are violated throughout the world because of violence and terrorism.

(d) Violation of human Right is a crime and society should get rid of it.

e) Human Rights commission is an organization working for human rights.  



  Column A 

  Column B 1

Column C

(a) Our parliament House

(i) by an artificial  lake called House

(i) in 1982.

(b) It-has been designed

(ii) is one of the most  spectacular 

(ii) buildings in the world.


iii) was held on February in .

(iii) the same year.

(d) It 

(iv) was inaugurated 

(iv) Louis  Kahn

(e) The first Parliamentary session 

(v) by a famous American architect

(v) Crescent Lake



(a+ii+ii) Our Parliament House is one of the most spectacular buildings in the world.

(b+v+iv) It was designed by a famous American architect Louis I Kahn.

(c+i+v) The building is surrounded by an artificial lake called Crescent Lake.

(d+iv+i) It was inaugurated in 1982.

(e+iii+iii) The first parliamentary session was held on February in the same year.       




Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) friendship is

and loyalty are the

foundation of friendship it is a divine  gift.

(b) It is

an innumeracy

existed between two similar minds.

(c) Since Sincerity

one of the noblest

and other relevant aspects belonging to this lead a man to develop or establish friend ship.

(d)it is

sacrifice fellow feeling

 existed between hearts.

(e) Confidence love

 a relation

expressions human relations and instincts.




(a) Friendship is one of the noblest expressions of human relations and instincts.

(b) It is a relation existed between two similar minds.

(c) Since sincerity and loyalty are the foundation of friendship, it is a divine gift.

(d) It is an intimacy existed between hearts.

(e) Confidence, love, sacrifice, fellow-feeling and other relevant aspects belonging to this lead a man to develop or establish friendship




       Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Elderly population 


Bangladesh does not offer any

on their families for care emotionally abused

(b) The traditional for 

who depend

growing centuries all over the world.

(c) Their long experiences of  life and

has been

their physical and financial inability

(d)Many older people

to stop because

are not given much importance.

(e) But they their remain powerless 


their wealth knowledge

of commendable role remain to the old aged people



(a) Elderly population has been growing for centuries all over the world.

(b) The traditional society of Bangladesh does not offer any commendable role to the old aged people. To

(c) Their long experiences of life and their wealth of knowledge are not given much importance.

(d) Many older people who depend on their families for care are emotionally abused.

(e) But they remain powerless to stop it because of their physical and financial inability



Column A 

Column B

Column C

(a) Time is the most valuable thing in the sense

(i) we must make the best use of time so that

we can be successful and make our glorious

(b) Always considering the value of time

(ii)to make life inglorious and

but lost time can never be regained  

(c) In fact, proper use of time discipline and industry

 (iii) every of moment of

our life so as to reach and the goal of our life

to be enlisted among the failures

(d) So, we must shake off  idleness and can be  utilizing         

(iv) that everything among can be regained            

through hard  lab our

to be enlisted  among the  failures 

(e) We must not waste our valuable time

(v) enable us to reach the time peak of success and

thus put us in the line of the great men in the world.


(a+iv) Time is the most valuable thing in the sense that everything can be regained through hard labour but lost time can never be regained.

(b+i) Always considering the value of time we must make the best use of time so that we can be successful and make our life glorious.

(c+v) In fact, proper use of time, discipline and industry enable us to reach the peak of success and thus put us in the line of the great men in the world.

(d+iii) So, we must shake off idleness and be serious in utilizing every moment of our life so as to reach the goal of our life and be blessed with happiness and prosperity.

(e+ii) We must not waste our valuable time to make our life inglorious and to be enlisted among the failures.


       Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Rohingya crisis 


(i) these ill-fated people are migrating to Bangladesh as

(i) killing of thousands of innocent Rohinga 

Muslims .

(b) The crisis arises from

(ii) instigates the crisis and 

(ii) bedimmed the and 


(c) The brutal Burmese Janta 


(iii) is a pressing problem

(iii) our Prime Minister Sheik Hasina has been endowed with the title of The Mother of Humanity.

(d) For saving livse

(iv) Bangladesh has  attention of the world community times,

(iv) for Bangladesh in the recent times, 

(e) Giving shelter, providing foods and clothing

(v) geo-political racial and communal factors and

(v) it is a safe abode for of these refugees


(a+iii+iv) Rohingya crisis is a pressing problem for Bangladesh in the recent times.

(b+v+i) The crisis arises from geo-political, racial and communal factors and killing of thousands of innocent Rohingya Muslims.

(c+ii+ii) The brutal Burmese Janta instigates the crisis and bedimmed the humanity.

(d+i+v) For saving lives these ill-fated people are migrating to Bangladesh as it is a safe abode for these refugees.

(e+iv+iii) Giving shelter, providing foods and clothing Bangladesh has attracted the attention of the world community and our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been endowed with the title of The Mother of Humanity'.


          Column A

        Column B

         Column C

(i)Many diseases

Suffer from many

environment pollution.

(ii) Experts believe

are rising at

more diseases. 

(iii) Pollution

is also responsible 

for these diseases

(iv) Today city people

that it is due to

in urban areas

(v) Adulterated food

appears to be greater 

an alarming rate.



(a) Many diseases are rising at an alarming rate.

(b) Experts believe that it is due to environment pollution.

(c) Pollution appears to be greater in urban areas.

(d) Today city people suffer from many more diseases.

(e) Adulterated food is also responsible for these diseases.






Column A 

Column A 

Column A 

(a) Many people living in city areas

(i)Care of utilizing natural gas

(i)The machines stop

(b) They waste water 

(ii)our resources  will run out

(ii)natural resources 

 (c) Load shedding

(iii) are not careful  using 

iii) use it for day to day purposes

(d) People are not

(iv) hinders our industrial prod uction by making

(iv) very soon 

(e) If this wasting continues

(v) by leaving the taps running whenever resource they


(v) and thus are wasting this resource 



(a+iii+ii) Many people living in city areas are not careful of using natural resources.

(b+v+iii) They waste water by leaving the taps running whenever they use it for day to day purposes.

(c+iv+i) Load shedding hinders our industrial production by making the machines stop.

(d+i+v) People are not careful of utilizing natural gas and thus are wasting this resource.

(e+ii+iv) If this wastage continues, our resource will run out very soon.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) National flag upholds our identity

(i) which also stands for

(i) of hope and aspiration 

(b) The red circle in our national flag

(ii) the source of spirit but also

(ii) and protect  the hon our and dignity of our national  flag

(c) The sun is considered as  source of  life on earth 

(iii)as an Independent country 

(111) because it symbolizes the rising sun

(d) Our national flag  represents not only

(iv) to defend our independent at any cost

iv) and we achieved it at the cost of a sea of blood  

(e) So, it should be our utmost duty

(v) reminds us of our independence 

v) the   significance  of our glorious existence 




(a+iii+iv) National flag upholds our identity as an independent country and we achieved at the cost of a sea of blood.

(b+v+iii) The red circle in our national flag reminds us of our independence

(c+i+v) because it symbolizes the rising sun. The sun is considered as the source of life on earth which also stands for the significance of our glorious existence.

(d+ii+i) Our national flag represents not only the source of spirit but also of hope and aspiration.

(e+iv+ii) So, it should be our utmost duty to defend our independence at any cost and protect the honour and dignity of our national flag.



 Column A

 Column B 

 Column C

(a) A freedom fighter is

(i) their valuable lives

(i) sons in that war

(b) But he fights for a noble

(ii) our heroic 

(ii) in  every country

(c)Freedom  fighters  sacrifice

(iii)  cause that is to

(iii) for the cause of  motherland

(d) The people of Bangladesh

(iv) honoured every where

(iv) defend his country

(e) We have lost

(v) fought a glorious war     

(v) against the Pak army in 1971. 



(a+iv+ii) A freedom fighter is honoured everywhere in every country.

(b+iii+iv) But he fights for a noble cause that is to defend his country.

(c+i+iii) Freedom fighters sacrifice their valuable lives for the cause of motherland.

(d+v+v) The people of Bangladesh fought a glorious war against the Pak army in 1971. .

(e+ii+i) We have lost our heroic sons in that war.



    Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Good manner is

(i) has been given 

(i) in every sphere of life

(b) A man of good manners 

(ii) this great virtue 

(ii)and is a great virtue .

(c) In all religions,  a great importance

(iii) this great virtue 

(iii) is an ideal of humanity in all eras

(d) A person who possesses 

(iv) achieves success 


(iv) from the early stage of life 

(e) So, all of us should cultivate 

(v) the best quality of a  

human being

(v) to good manners 



(a+v+ii) Good manner is the best quality of a human being and is a great virtue.

(b+iv+i) A man of good manners achieves success in every sphere of life.

(c+i+v) In all religions, a great importance has been given to good manners.

(d+iii+iii) A person who possesses this great virtue is an ideal of humanity in all eras.

(e+ii+iv) So, all of us should cultivate this invaluable virtue from the early stage of life.



            Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Environmental pollution 

(i) to control

(i) is polluted by garbage

(b) In our cities air

(ii) on both urban and  rural areas

(ii) such an alarming  problem

(C) Even the ground we walk

(iii) in various ways

(iii) in our country

(d)-Water is also polluted 

(iv) is constantly being polluted

(iv) in this modern age

(e) Measures must be taken

(v) has become one of the greatest problems

(v) by smoke of factories and vehicles 


(a+v+iv) Environmental pollution has become one of the greatest problems in this modern age.

(b+iv+v) In our cities air is constantly being polluted by smoke of factories and vehicles.

(c+ii+i) Even the ground we walk on both in urban and rural areas is polluted by garbage.

(d+iii+iii) Water is also polluted in various ways in our country.

(e+i+ii) Measures must be taken to control such an alarming problem.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Education the process the by which

(i)to enlighten the  individuals and

(i) helps meet challenges and overcome obstacles to. progress

(b) It is a mental and  intellectual training 

(ii) which  removes the  darkness of ignorance 

(i) and make the right choices of to go ahead

(c) The basic purpose of education is

(iii) our minds refine our  sensibility

(iii) at a school, college or university

(d) It is the business of provides education is

(iv) which provides opportunities of growth and

(iv) and           simultaneously helps us distinguish wrong

(e) It is often same compared to light

(v) our mind to develops through formal learning

(v)at the some time develop their capacity to the    limit  heir capacity formal to the limit


(a+v+iii) Education is the process by which our mind develops through formal learning at a school, college or university,

(b+iv+i) It is a mental and intellectual training which provides opportunities of growth and helps meet challenges and overcome obstacles to progress.

(c+i+v) The basic purpose of education is to enlighten the individuals and at the same time develop their capacity to the limit. The business of education to

(d+iii+ii) It is ennoble our minds, refine our sensibility and make the right choices to go ahead. compared to light which

(e+ii+iv) It is often removes the darkness of ignorance and simultaneously helps us distinguish between right and wrong.



Column A 

Column B

Column C

(a) No progress

(i) do not have a sound  


(i) healthy and planned life. 

(b)Superstitions grow when people 

(ii) with an awareness  which is 

(ii) a prerequisite for any social development

(c) literate people

(iii) is possible

(iii) the light of education.

(d) Education

(iv) helps us to live a

(iv) of health and live a sanitation and population control.

(e) It provides people

(v) are deprived of

(v). without education.



(a+iii+v) No progress is possible without education.

(b+v+iii) Superstitions grow when people are deprived of the light of education.

(c+i+iv) Illiterate people do not have a sound knowledge of health and sanitation and population control.

(d+iv+i) Education helps us to live a healthy and planned life.

(e+ii+ii) It provides people with an awareness which is a prerequisite for any social development.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a)Globalization is a process of expanding 

(i) can even share their joys and sorrows

(i) to its -assistance

(b) With the development of

(ii) in the farthest corner of the world and travel 

(ii) by creating a borderless market

(c) We can now learn instantly what is happening 

(iii) high tech communication media and  transportation facilities 

(iii) like next door neighbours.

d) The people of the world

(iv) others can immediately come  immediately

(iv) to any country in the shortest possible time. 


(e) If one country is in distress,

(v) trade and commerce all come closer over the world. 

(v) the world has come closer



(a+v+ii) Globalization is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a borderless market.

(b+iii+v) With the development of high teach communication media and transportation facilities the world has come closer.

(c+ii+iv) We can now learn instantly what is happening in the farthest corner of the world and travel to any country in the shortest possible time.

(d+i+iii) The people of the world can even share their joys and sorrows like next door neighbours.

(e+iv+i) If one country is in distress, others can immediately come to its assistance.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Friction between 

certainly occur.

from dependence

to independence

(b) It may

are common features

of the teenagers 

(c) One obvious reason

is the transition

is very common .

(d) Another source of


is the difficult  behave our 

in all homes 

(e) Moreover moody and sulky behaveours

teenagers and of the parents 

 Of the adolescents



(a) Friction between teenagers and parents is very common.

(b) It may certainly occur in all homes.

(c) One obvious reason is the transition from dependence to independence.

(d) Another source of friction is the difficult behaviour of the adolescents.

(e) Moreover, moody and sulky behaviours are common features of the teenagers



      Column A

Column B

 Column C

(a) A teacher plays important role

(i) on a wide

(i) to discover the truth.

(b) A teacher teaches his students 

(ii) and thus contributes  in building up 

(ii)in prescribed text books

(c) His greatest success lies in

(iii) many qualities in them such as

(iii) an ideal  in nation is a great asset for the country.

(d) He also develops 

(iv) the fact that makes  them eager

(iv) skilled and ideal nation. 

(e) So, a teacher who make numerous ideal citizens 

v) in building up an  educated

(v patriotism, piety truthfulness, discipline etc.



(a+v+iv) A teacher plays a very important role in building up an educated, skilled and ideal nation.

(b+i+ii) A teacher teaches his students on a wide range of subjects apart from the prescribed text books.

(c+iv+i) His greatest success lies in the fact that he makes them eager to discover the truth.

(d+iii+v) He also develops many qualities in them such as patriotism, piety, truthfulness, discipline etc.

(e+ii+iii) So, a teacher who makes numerous ideal citizens and thus contributes in building up an ideal nation is a great asset for the country.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Globalization is now very important

(i) and they can share joy and sorrows

(i) can  immediately come to its assistance

(b) Owing to globalization, we can  learn capitalist instantly 

(ii)the industrially developed capitalist  countries

(ii) like next-door neighbor.

(c) Countries of the world  have turned into a global in village 

(iii) other countries of the world.

iii) are exploiting the cheap labour available in  poorer countries 

(d) If one country is in distress

(iv)in international relations

(iv) travel, anywhere in the shortest possible time.

(e) But in the name of help and co  operation 

(v) what is happening in the world and

(v) having a far in reaching effect on many aspects of life.           


(a+iv+v) Globalization is now very important in international relations having a far reaching effect on many aspects of life.

(b+v+iv) Owing to globalization, we can now learn instantly what is happening in the world and travel anywhere in the shortest possible time.

(c+i+ii) Countries of the world have turned into a global village and they can share joys and sorrows like next-door neighbour.

(d+iii+i) If one country is in distress, other countries of the world can immediately come to its assistance.

(e+ii+iii) But in the name of help and cooperation, the industrially developed capitalist countries are exploiting the cheap labour available in poorer countries.




Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Humans animals and plants

(i) are faced with

(i) the threat of  extinction

(b) But humans

(ii) for vanished  from the earth

 (ii) for our environment

(c) Various plants and animals.

(iii) we cannot plants our environment

(iii) from being spoilt

(d) Many wild animals and birds

(iv) are cruelly destroying

(iv) plants and animals

(e) If we don't care for our wild life

(v) are all equally  important

(v) in the last few decades



(a+v+ii) Humans, animals and plants are all equally important for our environment.

(b+iv+iv) But humans are cruelly destroying plants and animals. Various plants and animals are faced with the threat of extinction.

(d+ii+V) Many wild animals and birds have vanished from the earth in the last few decades.

(e+iii+iii) If we don't care for our wild life, we cannot protect our environment from being spoilt.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Hospitality

(i) speaking to foreigners                        

(i) by asking personal question

(b) People are very

(ii) are interested    in the personal affairs

(ii) of the foreigners 

(c) They like

(iii) is meant

(iii) towards foreigners

(d) The Bangladeshis 

(iv) has long been a part

(iv) of our  culture Bangladeshis

(e) No harm

 (V) polite and friendly 

(v) even without being  introduced


(a+iv+iv) Hospitality has long been a part of our culture in Bangladesh.

(b+v+iii) People are very polite and friendly towards foreigners.

(c+i+v) They like speaking to foreigners even without being introduced.

(d+ii+ii) The Bangladeshis are interested in the personal affairs of the foreigners.

(e+iii+i) No harm is meant by asking personal question.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Climate change

(i) in the rainy season is the

(i) outcome of climate 


(b) It has a very

(ii) is a burning issue

(ii) for getting  expected climate.

(c) Irregular rainfall 

(iii)we have to work carefully

(iii) on development.

(d) It harms

(iv) negative impact 

iv) all over the  world.

(e) It needs no telling that

(v) our paddy

v) cultivation seriously



(a+ii+iv) Climate change is a burning issue all over the world.

(b+iv+iii) It has a very negative impact on development.

(c+i+i) Irregular rainfall in the rainy season is the outcome of climate change.

(d+v+v) It harms our paddy cultivation seriously.

(e+iii+ii) It needs no telling that we have to work carefully for getting expected climate.



Column A

 Column B

Column C

(a) Frustration means 

(i) is mostly great and widespread

(i) domestic, judicial and social

(b) The causes of frustration 

(ii) as well as by non government organizations

(ii) to solve their causes  problems.

(c) Among all the causes economic be frustration

(iii)hopelessness  which may rightly

(iii) to create situations so that frustration can be checked and eliminated 

(d) In our country, there are  many qualified young men

(iv) may be political  economic

(iv) called a mental


(e) So, steps should be taken immediately problem by the government


(v) and women  who are seeking jobs

 (v) because of our who are 

Unemployment problem.


(a+iii+iv) Frustration means hopelessness which may rightly be called a mental disease.

(b+iv+i) The causes of frustration may be political, economic, domestic, judicial and social.

(c+i+v) Among all the causes, economic frustration is mostly great and widespread because of our unemployment problem.

(d+v+ii) In our country, there are many qualified young men and women who are seeking jobs to solve their economic problems.

(e+ii+iii) So, steps should be taken immediately by the government as well as by nongovernment organizations to create situations so that frustration can be checked and eliminated.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Bangladesh is blessed

i) an Ecologically to  Critical Area

(i)and  Kulaura is railway to the west.

(b) Hakaluki  haor is

(ii) the Kushiara river to the north

 (ii) open water resources 

(c) With a vast land area it

(iii) one of the major 

(iii) in April 1999 by the govt.

(d) This haor was declared

(iv) with huge inland 

iv) and livelihood to many people.

(e) It is bounded by

(v)  supports a rich biodiversity

(v) wetlands of Bangladesh.



(a+iv+ii) Bangladesh is blessed with huge inland open water resources.

(b+iii+v) Hakaluki haor is one of the major wetlands of Bangladesh.

(c+v+iv) With a vast land area it supports a rich biodiversity and livelihood to many people.

(d+i+iii) This haor was declared an Ecologically Critical Area in April 1999 by the govt.

(e+ii+i) It is bounded by the Kushiara river to the north and Kulaura railway to the west.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Television has

(i) are gradually

(i) source of  entertainment of the present world.

 (b) Television  programmes  

(ii) however

(ii) they can be highly 

educative too.

(c) A wide range of programmes for varied interest

(iii) is telecast

iii) has become an addiction for many

(d) Watching TV

(iv) are not only  entertaining

iv) on numerous channels.

(e) young people's                     tastes 

(v) the most common and widespread

v) being  influenced by them. 



(a+v+i) Television is the most common and widespread source of entertainment of the present world.

(b+iv+ii) Television programmes are not only entertaining; they can be highly educative too.

(c+ii+iv) A wide range of program of  varied interest is telecast on numerous channels.

(d+ii+iii) Watching TV, however, has become an addiction for many.

(e+i+v) Young people's tastes are gradually being influenced by them.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) The Bay of which Bengal which situated 

(i) the   largest cools mangrove  forest of the instantly world is

(i) which cools mind is forest of the instantly

(b) The blue water rising waves

(ii) in the world is a nice place

(ii) a beautiful  place spot

(c) The sea beach of Cox's Bazar which is the longest sea beach

(iii) the bay of Bengal which  coral is also

(iii) another beautiful of nature

(d) The Saints Martin's Island in

(iv) in the south of Bangladesh is

(iv) for the nature lovers            

(e) Besides, the Sundarbans

(v) are always pleasant sigh

(v). The beautiful  sight gift of nature.



(a+iv+v) The Bay of Bengal which is situated in the south of Bangladesh is the beautiful gift of nature.

(b+v+i) The blue water and the rising waves are always pleasant sight which cools our mind instantly.

(c+ii+iv) The sea beach of Cox's Bazar which is the longest sea beach in the world is a nice place for the nature lovers.

(d+iii+ii) The Saint Martin's Island in the Bay of Bengal which is formed by coral is also a beautiful natural spot.

(e+i+iii) Besides, the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest of the world is another beautiful gift of nature.



Column A

Column B

 Column C

(a) Facebook is an   internet

(i) 'internet connection may

(i) gain access to Facebook  

(b) Now a days Facebook has become

(ii) using Facebook

(ii) among people living has  everywhere.

(c) It contributes much

(iii) based social network

(iii) to facilitate the  official works

(d) People are also

(iv) to maintain social andfriendly relationship

(iv) connecting people worldwide 

(e) Everybody having

(v) an important part

(v) of our daily life 


(a+iii+iv) Facebook is an internet based social network connecting people worldwide.

(b+v+v) Nowadays Facebook has become an important part of our daily life.

(c+iv+ii) It contributes much to maintain social and friendly relationship among people living everywhere.

(d+ii+iii) People are also using Facebook to facilitate the official works.

(e+i+i) Everybody having internet connection may gain access to Facebook.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) The culture of a society can easily

(i) in any particular society 

(i) and the  tradition of can that society 

(b) In order to know the culture are culture of any society we need

 (ii) in Bangladeshi. Culture are

(ii) are considered cultural differences.

(c) The modes of behave our and tradition 

(iii) give a complete picture of life and  living

(iii) different from those in British culture.

(d) Language eating habits

(iv) between different culture.

(iv) of the specific society.

(e)difference which exist

(v) to study different     arenas of life, the behave our of peopl.

(v) are no always  similar other society. 



(a+iii+iv) The culture of a society can easily give a complete picture of life and living of the specific society.

(b+v+i) In order to know the culture of any society we need to study different areas of life, the behaviour of people and the tradition of that society.

(c+i+v) The modes of behaviour and tradition in any particular society are not always similar to other society.

(d+ii+iv) Language, eating habits etc. in Bangladeshi culture are different from those in British culture.

(e+iv+ii) The differences which exist between different cultures are considered cultural differences.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Humans

(i) can  control

(i) in the burning of  fossil fuels.

 (b) But they

(ii) has been raised

(ii) the sun's radiation nor the earth's orbit around the sun

(c) The carbon dioxide concentration 

(iii) lies

(iii) the increase in the amount  greenhouse gases

(d) The main cause of the  increase in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere

(iv) can the neither change

(iv) responsible for the  alarming rise of carbon dioxide in  carbon the atmosphere.

(e) We humans

(v) are

(v) alarmingly during the last hundred years.


(a+iv+ii) Humans can neither change the sun's radiation nor the earth's orbit around the sun.

(b+i+iii) But they can control the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases.

(c+ii+v) The carbon dioxide concentration has been raised alarmingly during the last hundred years.

(d+iii+i) The main cause of the increase in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere lies in the burning of fossil fuel.

(e+v+iv) We humans are responsible for the alarming rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Communicative competence means 

(i) is picking up a language

(i) appropriate in different            circumstances

(b) There are

(ii) more successful

(ii) when it is acquired

(c) Acquisition

(iii) two ways of developing

(iii) spontaneously.

(d) A language is

(iv) the ability of using  language

(iv) communicative Competence.  

(e) In non- technical term, acquisition

(v) is the way of developing ability 

(v) in their  mother Tongue.


(a+iv+i) Communicative competence means the ability of using language appropriately in different circumstances.

(b+iii+iv)There are two ways of develop in communicative competence.

(c+v+v) Acquisition is the way of developing ability in their mother tongue.

(d+ii+ii) A language is more successful when it is acquired.

(e+i+iii) In non-technical term, acquisition is picking up a language spontaneously.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a)The word discipline means

(i) given not only by the family

(i) is no discipline

(b) It is

(ii) self- discipline which is the most

(ii) but also by the school

(c) This training is 

(iii) can prosper if there

(iii) is a must for living  successful life

(d) No man or no nation

(iv) the training of the mind which  

(iv) important  condition of our success  in life

 (e) As students we must correct control and always  cultivate

(v) learning correct  the behave our which 

(v) develops self  control and habits of obedience.


(a+iv+v) The word "Discipline' means the training of the mind which develops self-control and habits of obedience.

(b+v+iii) It is learning the correct behavior which is a must for living a successful life.

(c+i+ii) This training is given not only by the family but also by the school.

(d+iii+i) No man or no nation can prosper if there is no discipline.

(e+ii+iv) As students, we must always cultivate self-discipline which is the most important condition of our success in life



Column 'A

Column' B

Column C

(a) Foods which are essential

(i) should come forward to stop this evil  practice 


(i) who add mix   poisonous substance with them

(b) But ensure unfortunately  nowadays  food are adulterated 

(ii) than morality and people' health, these criminals         

(ii) and ensure pure food  items for a foods a

healthy and happy  life.

(c) As profit in business is more important

(iii) people suffer from various health problems 

(iii) as their liver. Business is  kindey  hear  etc. damaged

(d) By taking these 

 poisonous  foods and  beverages, 

(iv) for health and life must be

iv) do not hesitate to add chemical to the foods and beverages

(e) The  government people from all  walks of life

(v) by some greedy and dishonest businessmen

(v) pure, clean and fresh


(a+iv+v) Foods which are essential for health and life must be pure, clean and fresh.

(b+v+i) But unfortunately, nowadays, foods are adulterated by some greedy and dishonest businessmen who add or mix poisonous substance with them.

(c+ii+iv) As profit in business is more important than morality and people's health, these criminals do not hesitate to add poisonous chemical to the foods and beverages.

(d+iii+iii) By taking these poisonous foods and beverages, people suffer from various health problems as their liver, kidney, heart etc. get damaged.

(e+i+ii) The government and people from all walks of life should come forward to 'stop this evil practice and ensure pure food items for a healthy and happy life.


                            Column A 

                        Column B

(a) A library is a place

(i) borrow books from here

(b) It is very useful because 

(ii) as a storehouse of  knowledge.

(c) It is very essential

(iii) where various types of books are found.

(d) We can also 

(iv) to enrich our knowledge

(e) A library is also known

(v) we can read many kinds of books there.


(vi) books are complied. 


(vii) according to alphabetical order.


(a+iii) A library is a place where various types of books are found.

(b+v) It is very useful because we can read many kinds of books there.

(c+iv) It is very essential to enrich our knowledge.

(d+i) We can also borrow books from here.

(e+ii) A library is also known as a storehouse of knowledge. 


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Drug

(i) hope left for the

(i) leads a man to death.

(b) When there is on

(ii) of drug is

(ii) in Bangladesh

(c) The frequent

(iii) is acute

(iii) brain

(d) The effect

(iv) damages

(iv) very poisonous

(e) Drug problem 

(e) taking of drugs

(v) young people they addict to drug.


(a+iv+iii) Drug damages brain.

(b+i+v) When there is no hope left for the young people, they addict to drug.

(c+v+i) The frequent taking of drugs leads a man to death.

(d+ii+iv) The effect of drug is very poisonous.

(e+iii+ii) Drug problem is acute in Bangladesh


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) We observe the 21st  the February

(i) at the foot of the Shaheed buildings.

(i) on all public buildings. 


(b) On this important day

(ii) as the International mother  Language Day . 

(ii) singing 'Amar Bhaier  Rokte  Rangano  Ekushey . February'. 

(c) We also offer flowers 

(iii) as the Shaheed Day

(iii) by UNESCO

(d) The day was declared 

(iv) attend the morning  procession

(iv) with due  respect and solemnity

(e) People of all walks of life spontaneously 

(v) our national flag is kept  half-mast 

v) to pay respect to the martyrs.


(a+i+iv) We observe the 21st February as the Shaheed Day with due respect and solemnity.

(b+v+i) On this important day, our national flag is kept at half mast on all public and private buildings.

(c+i+v) We also offer flowers at the foot of the Shaheed Minar barefooted to pay respect to  the martyrs.

(d+ii+iii) The day was declared as the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO.

(e+iv+ii) People of all walks of life spontaneously attend the morning procession singing 'Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano Ekushey February'.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Bangladesh lies

(i) gave warning

(i) earthquake zone

(b) In recent years

(ii) should followed      

(ii) everybody of  our country

(c) The  recurrence of quakes 

(iii) in the active

(iii) at the time of building any house   house.

(d) Experts 

(iv) earthquakes recur

(iv) frequently Bangladesh

(e) Earthquake resistant  building code

(v) have  fright

(v) regarding earthquake.



(a+iii+i) Bangladesh lies in the active earthquake zone.

(b+iv+iv) In recent years earthquakes recur frequently in Bangladesh.

(c+v+ii) The recurrence of quakes have frightened everybody of our country.

(d+i+v) Experts gave warning regarding earthquake.

(e+ii+iii) Earthquake resistant building code should be followed at the time of building any house.






Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Drug addiction means strong attraction 

(i)  buy these drugs and body and are bound to

(i) tell upon our body and mind like  mind alike.

(b) It is now not only.

(ii) especially  the young boys are taking 

(ii) which are    Harmful our body  and mind.

(c) In fact, drugs are used basically for intoxicating 

(iii) and stimulating effects which tremendously

(iii) commit crimes to arrange money.  

(d) It is observed with great concern that

(iv) a national but

(iv) also a global           problem

(e) These boys being unemployed cannot 

(v) for some particular sorts of drugs

(v) heroin opium and so on


(a+v+ii) Drug addiction means strong attraction for some particular sorts of drugs which are harmful to our body and mind.

(b+iv+iv) It is now not only a national but also a global problem.

(c+iii+i). In fact, drugs are used basically for intoxicating and stimulating effects which tremendously tell upon our body and mind alike.

(d+ii+v)It is observed with great concern that especially the young boys are taking heroin, opium and so on.

(e+i+iii) These boys, being unemployed cannot buy these drugs and are bound to commit crimes to arrange money.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Women in rural Bangladesh 

(i) their whole life

(i) of this laudable project

(b) They are compelled spend

(ii) a project for employment

(ii) of work outside home.

(c) Recently, the ILO has  launched 

(iii) to reaping the benefits 

(iii) in various economicactivities

(b) The project aims  at training

(iv) have very few opportunities

(iv) of rural women

(e) Very poor women have started 

(v) the rural women in 

(v) in doing household  chores. 


(a+iv+ii) Women in rural Bangladesh have very few opportunities of work outside the home.

(b+i+v) They are compelled to spend their whole life in doing household chores.

(c+ii+iv) Recently, the ILO has launched a project for employment of rural women.

(d+v+iii) The project aims at training the rural women in various economic activities.

(e+iii+i) Very poor women have started to reaping the benefits of this laudable project.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) There are many

(i) in our developing 

country in respect

(1) of the natural beauty 

(b) Cox's Bazar

(ii) come to visit the

(11) sea-beach every year  

(c) Cox's Bazar

(iii) nice places

(111) in Bangladesh

(d)it is remarkable

(iv) sea-beach

(iv) place among them

(e) Many people

 (v) is the most beautiful

(v) is very charming.



(a) There are many nice places in Bangladesh.

(b) Cox's Bazar is the most beautiful place among them.

(c) Cox's Bazar sea-beach is very charming.

(d) It is remarkable in our developing country in respect of the natural beauty.

(e) Many people come to visit the sea-beach every year.



Column A 

Column B

Column C

(a) A large number people 

(i) people themselves can  


(i) to this problem

(b) It is not possible 

(ii) is a possible solution

(ii) vocations.

(c) Self employment

(iii) in one or other of these

(iii) are unemployed

(d) It means that

(iv) in Bangladesh

(iv) employment  to all

(e) People can train themselves.

(v) for the government give

(v) in economic activities



(a+iv+iii) A large number of people in Bangladesh are unemployed.

(b+v+iv) It is not possible for the government to give employment to all.

(c+ii+i) Self-employment is a possible solution to this problem.

(d+i+v) It means that people themselves can engage in economic activities.

(e+iii+ii) People can train themselves in one or other of these vocations.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Feeding the ever growing population 

(i) for the country is to the            


(i) contribute to the diminishing 

of agricultural and

(b) The major challenge 

(ii) non- Agricultural  uses 

(ii) for  Bangladesh

in the coming decades.

(c)The task is daunting 

(iii) for human settlement and the  building of  infrastructure

(iii) the current settlement level of

agricultural production 


(d) Excessive the pressures loses land 

(iv) as the country loses

80,000 hectares 

iv) of cultivable land 


(e) River erosion and other

(v) is a big  challenge

(v) are responsible for this



(a+v+ii) Feeding the ever growing population is a big challenge for Bangladesh in the coming decades.

(b+i+iii) The major challenge for the country is to sustain the current level of agricultural production.

(c+iv+iv) The task is daunting as the country loses 80,000 hectares of cultivable land annually.

(d+iii+i) Excessive pressures on land for human settlement and the building of infrastructure contribute to the diminishing of agricultural land.

(e+ii+v) River erosion and other non-agricultural uses are responsible for this.

Column A

Column B

Column C

(a)Bangladesh is blessed with many natural resources 

(i)a burden whereas we can turn this population into human resource.

(i)knowledge and above all poverty.

 (b) But unfortunately  we cannot utilize 


(ii) colleges and universities and training unfortunately them where students can receive such education 

(ii) by educating  and training them properly.

(c) At present. our huge population has become 

(iii) this big population so that they being technologically

(iii) contribute to our national them prosperity

(d) Our government should take proper step to educate

(iv) them owing to our lack of for technical

(iv) as is needed for  our practical purposes.


(a+v+iii) Bangladesh is blessed with many natural resources which being properly utilized can contribute to our national prosperity.

(b+iv+i) But unfortunately we cannot utilize them owing to our lack of technical knowledge and above all poverty.

(c+i+ii) At present, our huge population has become a burden whereas we can turn this population into human resource by educating and training them properly.

(d+iii+v) Our government should take proper steps to educate this big population so that they being technologically educated can utilize our natural resources properly.

(e+ii+iv) Our government has to establish more technical colleges and universities where students can receive such education as is needed for our practical purposes.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Addiction

(i) has

(i) now become a global problem

(b) Drug addiction 

(ii) be

(ii) also grasped our  young generation

(c) Drugs.

(iii) have

(iii) strong attraction for some harmful things.

(d) These

(iv) means

(iv) used for intoxicating or stimulating effect

(e) Drugs

(v) be

(v )taken through infection or by smoking


(a+iv+iii) Addiction means strong attraction for some harmful things.

(b+i+i) Drug addiction has now become a global problem.

(c+iii+ii) Drugs have also grasped our young generation.

(d+ii+v) These drugs are taken through injection or by smoking.

(e+v+iv) Drugs are used for intoxicating or stimulating effect.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Illiteracy

(i) who does not get

(i) and development of a nation

(b) It is one of the greatest

(ii) keeps people chained

(ii) the opportunity go to school

(c) We must inculcate to  awareness

(iii) handicaps to the  progress

(iii) to ignorance and  superstition 

(d) Literacy creates

(iv)consciousness among the from the people

(iv) and superstition from the society 

(e) Literacy removes

(v) all sorts of ignorance

(v) to become literate 


(a+ii+iii) - Illiteracy keeps people chained to ignorance and superstition.

(b+iii+i) It is one of the greatest handicaps to the progress and development of a nation.

(c+i+ii) We must inculcate awareness who does not get the opportunity to go to school.

(d+iv+v) Literacy creates consciousness among the people to become literate.

(e+v+iv) Literacy removes all sorts of ignorance and superstition from the society.



Column A

Column B

Column C

 (a) We must acknowledge our

(i) we discovered

(i), the endless mysterynature.

(b) The first lesson 

(ii) we learned

(ii) and then to nature.

(c) They taught us

(iii) to the parents 

(iii) to arrange everything in order.

(d) But when we came out of our house,

(iv) the Creator

(iv) was from our parents

(e) We wondered how graceful 

(v) how to eat

(v) how to talk and how live.



(a+iii+ii) We must acknowledge our debt to the parents and then to nature.

(b+ii+iv) The first lesson we learned was from our parents.

(c+v+v) They taught us how to eat, how to talk and how to live.

(d+i+i) But when we came out of our house, we discovered the endless mystery of nature.

 (e+iv+iii) We wondered how graceful the Creator is to arrange everything in order


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Statistics show about 350 in million people

(i) in the world's that computers is in  English

 (i) for their staff 

(b) English has now secured  need a place 

(ii) English usually helps  them 

(ii) organizations need employees who know English well

(c) Since more than 80% of all the  better salaries information

(iii) who provide English language training

(iii) to get good jobs and all better salaries 

(d) In fact there are some companies 

(iv) speak English as a first language  

(iv) in more than 60 countries and of many international organizations

(e) Besides many Believe how that

(v) as an official or semi-official  language 

(iv) and another 300 million use it as a  second  language.



(a+iv+v) Statistics show that about 350 million people speak English as a first language and another 300 million use it as a second language.

(b+v+iv) English has now secured a place as an official or semi official language in more 60 countries and of many than international organizations.

(c+i+ii) Since more than 80% of all the information in the world's computer is in English, organizations need employees who know English well.

(d+iii+i) In fact, there are some companies who provide English language training for their staff.

(e+ii+iii) Besides, many believe now that English usually helps them to get good jobs and better salaries.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) The garment industry has

(i) women are involved

(i) of this industry in our country,

(b) Besides enriching the country's economy

(ii) has been key for the success 

ii) of industrial sector of Bangladesh.

(c) A great number of

(iii) of our garment industry, we shall be able to engage

(iii) in alleviating unemployment.

(d) The cheap but disciplined regimented work force 

(iv) it has played a very important role

 (iv) many unemployed important people  develop our country very fast

(e) If we are able to sustain the  development

(v) a pioneering role in the development

(v) in these Garments  industries



(a+v+ii) The garment industry has a pioneering role in the development of industrial sector of Bangladesh.

(b+iv+iii) Besides enriching the country's economy, it has played a very important role in alleviating unemployment.

 (c+i+v) A great number women are involved in these garments industries.

(d+ii+i) The cheap but disciplined regimented work force has been key for the success of this industry in our country.

(e+iii+iv) If we are able to sustain the development of our garment industry, we shall be able to engage many • unemployed people and develop our country very fast.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Satellites are the   their artificial objects

(i) in educating and entertaining the people but some channels telecast. Programmes.

(i) channels to telecast their entertaining programmes.

(b) They relay back to the earth radio

(ii) and Informative the programmes through satellite channels.

(ii) sitting in our drawing room. 

(c) These satellite channels have different brought 

(iii) TV signals which are  used by have different

(iii) in orbit round the earth.

(d) Now we can enjoy  various cultural 

(iv) or machines that are put

(iv) and movies of violent  nature, which causing the moral degeneration of our young generation.

(e) Undou and btedly, the change in the contributing a lot

(v)abut  revolutionary change in the fields

(v) of education and entertainment of the people.


(a+iv+iii) Satellites are the artificial objects or machines that are put in orbit round the earth.

(b+iii+i) . They relay back to the earth radio and TV signals which are used by different channels to telecast their programmes.

(c+v+v). These satellites channels have brought about a revolutionary change in the field of education and entertainment of the people.

(d+ii+ii) Now we can enjoy various cultural and informative programmes through satellites channels sitting in our drawing room.

 (e+i+iv) Undoubtedly, the satellite channels are contributing a lot in educating and entertaining the people but some channels telecast programmes and movies of violent nature, which are causing the moral degeneration of our young generations.



Column A

Column B

Column C

 (a) Eve teasing has now become a regular accounts occurrence

(i) can play a significant role in publishing such accounts

(i) which can be hard to heal

(b) It is a traumatic experience for women

(ii) the government  has to take stern steps

(ii) or even to  marry them off at an early  age

(c) Sometimes it has compelled parents

(iii) in the lives of girls and  women not only in To Bangladesh

(iii) to arrest such criminals sentence them to capital punishment

(d) In this regard, different newspapers and websites

(iv) to keep their daughters  home away from school

(iv) but also in the  entire Indian subcontinent

(e) Becoming up and doing to eradicate it

(v) because it creates  complex  psychological  problems 

(v) that reflect  feelings of disgust, insult and horror experienced by women



(a+iii+iv) Eve teasing has now become a regular occurrence in the lives of girls and women not only in Bangladesh but also in the entire Indian subcontinent..

(b+v+i). It is a traumatic experience for women because it creates complex psychological problems which can be hard to heal.

(c+iv+ii) Sometimes it has compelled parents to "keep their daughters at home away from school or even to marry them off at an early age.

(d+i+v) In this regard, different newspapers and websites can play a significant role in publishing such accounts that reflect feelings of disgust, insult and horror experienced by women.

(e+ii+iii) Becoming up and doing to eradicate it, the government has to take stern steps to arrest such criminals, sentence them to capital punishment.





Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) The empower me not of women is

(i) can be turned into an asset by ensuring 

(i) to be guaranteed in all levels of ensuring state administration

(b) So, women development of and the  empower me not of women are

(ii) the inevitable  factors which are

(ii) there is no participation of women in all sectors

(c) It is a happy news that women folk

(iii) like Bangladesh  is impossible if

(iii) and national development.

(d) The overall development of some developing countries

(iv) an important aspect in the concept of both global

(iv) to go forward

(e) But It is true that there are a lot of hindrances

(v) which woman have to overcome

(v) their active involvement in the affairs of the state



(a+iv+iii) The empowerment of women is an important aspect in the concept of both global and national development.

(b+ii+i) So, women development and the empowerment of women are the inevitable factors which are to be guaranteed in all levels of state administration.

(c+i+v) It is a happy news that womenfolk can be turned into an asset by ensuring their active involvement in the affairs of state.

(d+iii+ii) The overall development of some developing countries like Bangladesh is impossible if there is no participation of women in all sectors.

(e+v+iv) But it is true that there are a lot of hindrances which women have to overcome to go forward.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Kazi Nazrul Islam

(i) couple Kazi Fakir Ahmed

(i) district of Bardwan in West Bengal

(b) He was born on 24, May 

(ii) is one of the

(ii) them from his boyhood

(c) Nazrul was the son of the

(iii) of singing songs and composing

(iii) his studies 

after class ten

(d) Because of poverty, he

(iv) 1899 at Churulia in the

(iv) greatest Bengali poets 

(e) His genius was evident in the field

(v) could not go on with

(v) and Jaheda  khatun




(a+ii+iv) Kazi Nazrul Islam is one of the greatest Bengali poets.

(b+iv+i) He was born on 24 May 1899 at Churulia in the district of Burdwan in West Bengal.

(c+i+v) Nazrul was the son of the couple Kazi Fakir Ahmed and Jaheda Khatun.

(d+v+iii) Because of poverty, he could not go on with his studies after class ten.

(e+iii+ii) His genius was evident in the field of singing songs and composing them from his boyhood.

Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Donation of blood 

(i) sound health can donate blood,

(i) we donate blood we invite no harm to us.

(b) In our society, some of us nourish

(ii) enough to save

(ii) after every 3 months without any side effect.

(c) As per medical science every man in

(iii) a crystal clear idea that if

(iii) be a very noble deed.

(d) We should have

(iv) a misconnect- ton about blood donation which conveys

(iv) the life of a dying person. 

(e) Sometimes, a bag of our blood is

(v) is universally a knowledged to

(v) a negative massage for the others.


(a+v+iii) Donation of blood is universally acknowledged to be a very noble deed.

(b+iv+v) In our society, some of us nourish a misconception about blood donation which conveys a negative message for the others.

(c+i+ii) As per medical science every man in sound health can donate blood after every 3 months without any side effect.

(d+iii+i) We should have a crystal clear idea that if we donate blood, we invite no harm to us.

(e+ii+iv) Sometimes, a bag of our blood is enough to the life of a dying person.


Column A

Column B 

Column C

(a) Bonsai is

(i) contributed

(i) perhaps 2000 years ago

(b) Early Japanese aristocrats

(ii) is the miniature 

(ii) more than 10cm

(C)It was.

(iii) regarded

(iii) to its development

(d) A bonsai tree

(iv) originated from China

(iv) of a real true 

(e) It is not

(v) allowed to grow 

(v) as an art form 



(a+iii+v) Bonsai is regarded as an art form.

(b+i+iii) Early Japanese aristocrats contributed to its development.

(c+iv+i) It was originated from China perhaps 2000 years ago.

(d+ii+v) A bonsai tree is the miniature of a real tree.

(e+v+ii) It is not allowed to grow more than 10 cm.



Column A

Column B 

Column C

(a) Democracy means

(i) fair and equal treatment of

(i) precondition of democracy 

(b) It is 

 (ii) election is the 

(ii) a democratic country 

(c) It allows 

(iii) a system 

(iii) for the citizens.

(d) People

(iv)representatives direct in

(iv) of government

(e) Free and fair

(v) freedom of  speech

(v) religious and political opinions


(a+i+v) Democracy means fair and equal treatment of religious and political opinions.

 (b+iii+iv) It is a system of government.

(c+v+iii) It allows freedom of speech for the citizens.

(d+iv+ii) People elect their representatives direct in a democratic country.

(e+ii+i) Free and fair election is the precondition of democracy.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) The role of women in society

(i) educated to get rid of

(i) which can enlighten a woman too.

(b) A country cannot reach

(ii) and she can successfully use them

(ii) the curse of illiteracy. 

(c) So women should be

(iii) the power of enlightenment

(iii) to make the society better.

(d) Education has 

(iv) the highest-level of progress

(iv) if she is educated. 

(e) A mother is blessed with many potentialities

(v) is no less important than men

(v) without educating women.


(a+v+iii) The role of women in society is no less better. important than men to make the society (b+iv+v) A country cannot reach the highest level of progress without educating women.

(c+i+ii) So women should be educated to get rid of the curse of illiteracy.

(d+iii+i) Education has the power of enlightenment which can enlighten a woman too.

(e+ii+iv) A mother is blessed with many potentialities and she can successfully use them if she is educated.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Early rising means 

(i) rises early

(i) finds time to take exercise.

(b) The man who

(ii) is the source

(ii) of health wealth and wisdom

(c) This gives one

(iii) the habit of

(iii) getting up early in the morning.

(d) The habit of early rising

(iv) both the body

(iv) and the mind of a person.

(e) The morning air refreshes

(v) an opportunity y to 

(v) enjoy the beauties of nature.


(a+iii+iii) Early rising means the habit of getting up early in the morning.

(b+i+i) The man who rises early finds time to take exercise.

(c+v+v) This gives one an opportunity to enjoy the beauties of nature.

(d+ii+ii) The habit of early rising is the source of health, wealth and wisdom.

(e+iv+iv) The morning air, refreshes both the body and the mind of a person.



Column A

Column B 

Column C

(a) Character is

(i) character epitomizes

(i) to bear a good character

(b) The man who bears

(ii) the supreme place of

(ii) treasure of a man 

(c). A man of

(iii) an invaluable

(iii) acceptance in every society by dint of good character

(d) He occupies

(iv) should try our best

(iv) is respected by all

(e) So all of us

(v) a good character

(v) all noble qualities live honesty



(a+iii+ii) Character is an invaluable treasure of a man.

(b+i+v) The man who bears character epitomizes all noble qualities like honesty.

(c+v+iv) A man of good character is respected by all.

(d+ii+iii) He occupies the supreme place of acceptance in every society by dint of good character.

(e+iv+i) So, all of us should try our best to bear a good character.



Column A 

Column B

Column C

(a) The Bangabandhu Satellite-1

(i) can be provided with

(i) was launched on 11 May Satellite 18 by 


(b) It was manufactured

(ii) covers the whole South Asia

(ii) and thus can save a huge amount of foreign currency

(c) The satellite

(iii) the cheap bandwidth and frequency

(iii) internet service and disaster time aid easily

(d) Now, remote areas of the country

(iv) is the first Bangladeshi

(iv) including the Bay of Bengal 

(e) Satellite TV channels can use 

(v) by Thales Alenia Space and

(v) geostationary and communicate on satellite.



(a+iv+v) The Bangabandhu Satellite-1 is the first Bangladeshi geostationary and communication satellite.

(b+v+i) It was manufactured by Thales Alenia Space and was launched on 11 May '18 by SpaceX.

(c+ii+iv) The satellite covers the whole South Asia including the Bay of Bengal.

(d+i+iii) Now, remote areas of the country can be provided with internet service and disaster time aid easily.

  (e+iii+ii) Satellite TV Channels can use the cheap bandwidth and frequency and thus can save a huge amount of foreign currency.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Dengue fever is

(i) medical attention late

(i) including bleeding, muscle pains, rash etc.

(b) Dengue virus is spread

(ii) a mosquito borne tropical disease

(ii) limiting exposure to bite. 

(c) People

(iii) reducing mosquito habitats and

(iii) of Areas types.

(d) Patients who seek

(iv) suffer from sudden onset fever

(iv) have less chances of survivals.

(e) The only way to prevent it is

(v) by several species of female mosquitoes

(v) caused by dengue virus


(a+ii+v) Dengue fever is a mosquito borne tropical disease caused by dengue virus.

(b+v+iii) Dengue virus is spread by several species of female mosquitoes of Aedes types.

(c+iv+i) People infested with dengue suffer from sudden onset fever including bleeding, muscle pains, rash etc.

(d+i+iv) Patients who seek medical attention late have less chances of survivals.

(e+iii+ii) The only way to prevent it is reducing mosquito habitats and limiting exposure to bite.


Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Mosquitoes find a 

(i) mosquitoes should be

(i) where breeding is possible.

(b) We should not let 

(ii) safe breeding ground

(ii)killing power to kill the larva.

(c) Besides, larva of

(iii) or other kinds of insect 

(iii) and clean regularly.

(d) People can use or spray kerosene

(iv) their surrounding neat

(iv) on stagnant water

(e) They should keep

(v) water remain stagnant

(v) destroyed be insecticides.


(a+ii+iv) Mosquitoes find a safe breeding ground on stagnant water.

(b+v+i) We should not let water remain stagnant where breeding is possible.

(c+i+v) Besides, larva of mosquitoes should be destroyed by insecticides.

(d+iii+ii) People can use or spray kerosene or other kinds of insect killing powder to kill the larva.

(e+iv+iii) They should keep their surrounding neat and clean regularly.



Column A

Column B

Column C

Your friends cannot help

that makes us

in everyone

It is love 

loving you

you don't love other

Love is divine

to love you 

feel for others

You cannot find others 

it is a good evidence that

if you love them

If you are not loved

which exists

unless you love them



(a+ii+iv) Your friends cannot help loving you if you love them.

(b+i+ii) *It is love that makes us feel for others.

(c+v+i) Love is divine which exists in everyone.

(d+iii+v) You cannot find others to love you unless you love them.

(e+iv+ii) If you are not loved, it is a good evidence that you don't love others.



Column A

Column B

Column C

(a) Education means

(i) conscious of our rights

(i) the individual. 

(b) The purpose of education

(ii) frees a man

(ii) removing the darkness.

(c) Education makes us 

(iii) aims at

(iii)  from restrictions.

(d) Education

(iv) is to enlighten

(iv) from any educational institution

(e) Education

(v) the receiving of formal learning 

(v) and responsibilities.


(a+v+iv) Education means the receiving of formal learning from any educational institution.

(b+iv+i) The purpose of education is to enlighten the individual.

(c+i+v) Education makes us conscious of our rights and responsibilities.

(d+iii+ii) Education aims at removing the darkness.

(e+ii+iii) Education frees a man from restrictions



Column A

Column B

(a) illiteracy retards

(i) in the morning

(b)to eradicate illiteracy

(ii) the development programmer of a country

(c) The government is typing

(iii)attending school after their days work

(d) An important role can be played

(iv) is a mammoth task.                                                             

(e) The' Column aged people should play a great role by 

(v) is an easy task.                                                                    


(vi) by mass media. 


 (vi) to remove illiteracy



(a+ii) Illiteracy retards the development programme of a country.

(b+iv) To eradicate illiteracy is a mammoth task.

(c+vii) The government is trying to remove illiteracy.

(d+vi) An important role can be played by mass media.

(e+iii) The aged people should play a great role by attending school after their day's work.




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