Re-Arrange-এর নিয়ম
এস.এস.সি তে ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্রে ভালো করা থেকে অন্যতম প্রতিবন্ধক হিসেবে দাঁড়ায় Re-Arrange। এই Re-Arrange পরীক্ষায় ১০ মার্কের থাকে।করোনার থাবায় পরীক্ষা ও শ্রেণিকার্যক্রম স্থগিত ছিলো।ফলে Re-Arrange-এর নম্বর প্রদানে ও মূল্যায়নে বারবার পরিবর্তন এসেছিলো।কখনো ছিলো ১০নম্বরের মূল্যায়ন,কখনো ছিলো ৮। তবে বর্তমানে নবম শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য ১০ নম্বরের মূল্যায়ন হচ্ছে।
এই Re-Arrange পরীক্ষায় মূলত তিন ভাবে এসে থাকে।
(i) ব্যক্তিজীবনীঃ বিশেষ কোন ব্যক্তির জীবনী এলোমেলোভাবে প্রশ্নে দেওয়া থাকে ।এমন টাইপ প্রশ্ন আসে যাদের নিয়ে তারা হলেন আব্রাহাম লিংকন, রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর, মহাত্মা গান্ধী, আলফ্রেড নোবেল তৈমুর, শাহজাহান, কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম ইত্যাদি।
(ii)নৈতিকতামূলক গল্পসমূহঃ এমন গল্প দেখা যায় যা আমরা ছোটবেলা থেকে বা নানা বইয়ে পড়েছি।এমন টাইপের গল্প শুরু হয় once/once upon a time/long time ago at etc ।এই গল্পগুলো সাধারণত ছোটবেলা থেকে আমাদের জানা থাকে তবে Re-Arrange আকারে গতানুগতিক পদ্ধতিতে আসে এবং আমরা গতানুগতিক পদ্ধতিতে এগুলো সমাধান করে থাকি। এমন কিছু গল্পের উদাহরণ-A friend in need is a friend indeed/a greedy farmer etc. এই টাইপের Re-Arrange সমাধান করার ক্ষেত্রে যে বিষয় মাথায় রাখতে হবে সেটা হলো গল্পটা জানা থাকা।
(iii)বিশেষ ঘটনা/বিখ্যাত স্থাপনা নিয়েঃ পরীক্ষায় অনেক সময় বিশেষ কোনো ঘটনার ওপর/ সাম্প্রতিক কোন ঘটনা নিয়ে কিছু বাক্য এলোমেলোভাবে দেওয়া থাকে। যেমনঃDeforestation, Covid-19, Rohingya Refugees etc। এগুলোর মধ্যে বোর্ড পরীক্ষায় সবচেয়ে বেশি দেখা যায় তা হলো ব্যক্তির জীবনীমূলক Re-Arrange যেটা সমাধান করার কয়েকটি ধাপ রয়েছেঃ
১. ব্যক্তিজীবনী শুরু হবে ব্যক্তির পরিচয় দিয়ে(all of you/you perhaps have heard the name of…. Etc)
২. এর পরে আসে ব্যক্তির জন্ম সংক্রান্ত তথ্য যেমনঃব্যক্তির জন্মের সাল/ তারিখ /জেলা/গ্রাম ইত্যাদি
৩. এর পরে থাকে সাধারণত পিতা বা মাতা সংক্রান্ত তথ্য/পরিবার/ভাই-বোন সংক্রান্ত তথ্য প্রভৃতি।
৪. এবার থাকবে ঐ ব্যাক্তি শৈশবকাল সংক্রান্ত কোন তথ্য (শৈশবের স্মৃতি, সুখ-দুঃখ ইত্যাদি)
৫.এর পরে থাকে সাধারণত শৈশব-পরবর্তী কোন তথ্য যেমন ব্যক্তিটি পড়ালেখায় কেমন ছিল/কোন ডিগ্রী অর্জন করেছে কিনা।
৬. শৈশব শেষ আবার পড়ালেখাও শেষ। এবার থাকবে ব্যক্তিটির বিশেষ কোনো লেখা/আবিষ্কার / রিসার্চ/গ্রন্থ ইত্যাদি সংক্রান্ত তথ্য।
৭.তো ব্যক্তিটি জীবনে কোনো বিশেষ কিছু আবিষ্কারের পর স্বীকৃতিস্বরূপ কোনো পুরস্কার (নোবেল/ডিলিট উপাধি/ নাইট উপাধি) যদি পেয়ে থাকে তাহলে সেই সম্বন্ধনীয় তথ্য থাকবে।
৮.অবদানের পুরস্কার দেওয়াও যখন শেষ তারমানে এইবার ঐ ব্যক্তি শেষ জীবনে কোন রোগে আক্রান্ত হয়েছিল কিনা সে নিয়ে কোনো তথ্য থাকবে।
৯.শেষ জীবনে রোগাক্রান্ত হওয়ার পর তো নিশ্চয়ই মৃত্যু হবে এই তাই এই ধাপে মৃত্যু সংক্রান্ত কোন তথ্য (তারিখ /সাল/সময়) অন্তর্ভুক্ত থাকবে।
১০.সর্বশেষ আসবে সেই বাক্য যাতে উল্লেখিত থাকবে ব্যাক্তি নিয়ে কোন বিপ্লব ঘটে যাওয়া/বিশেষ কিছু ঘটনা নিয়ে তথ্য।
১ম বাক্য চিহ্নিতকরণঃ
ক)যে লাইনটিতে Once upon a time,have you heard,you should haveheard,long ago,there is/ was/were,there lived,One day থাকে তা প্রথম লাইনে থাকবে।
খ)ব্যক্তির নাম ,জন্মসাল দিয়ে যে বাক্যটি শুরু তা-ও অনেক সময় প্রারম্ভিকবাক্য হিসেবে পরিগনিত হতে পারে।তবে ,এর জন্য চর্চা ও প্রজ্ঞা-ই সাফল্যের শেষ কথা।
জীবনী ভিত্তিক Re-Arrange-এর প্রধান ধাপসমূহঃ
২।জন্ম সংক্রান্ত
৬।কর্মজীবন ও সাংসারিক জীবন
৮।মৃত্যু সংক্রান্ত
দর্শনীয় স্থান সংক্রান্ত Re-Arrange
কোথায় অবস্থিত
৩।কখন নির্মিত হয়েছে এবং নির্মাতার নাম কী
৪।কী উদ্দেশ্যে নির্মিত
৫।কেন বিখ্যাত
৬।উল্লেখযোগ্য দিকসমূহ
1. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The doctor was a busy man.
b. At the appointed time he went to the doctor’s chamber and walked into the waiting room.
c. Kamal was determined to do well in the examination.
d. So he made an appointment to see him one afternoon.
e. A lot of chairs were arranged around the room.
f. He decided to consult his doctor.
g. It was a large room with windows on two sides.
h. So he began to work hard.
i. But his health was rather delicate.
j. It was causing him a lot of trouble.
Answer: c + h + i + j + f + a + d + b + g + e
2. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He studied Bar- at - Law in England and went to South Africa to practice it.
b. He suffered much for the cause of the country and went to jail many times.
c. Mahatma Gandhi is called the Father of the India Nation.
d. He was born in October 2. 1894 at Fajkot in Gujrat.
e. He swathe condition in the Indians there and felt sad.
f. He returned India and started a movement to make people aware that they could live in a free country.
g. Finally India got het freedom in 1947.
h. He fought for India’s freedom in a non- violent way without using any weapon.
i. Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead by Nathuram Gosde on January 30, 1948.
j. He was named Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
Answer: c + d + j + a + e + f + b + h + g + i.
3. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The king asked the stronger how long he wanted to live.
b. He was very fond of knowing his future from the astrologer.
c. But another thought has crossed his mind before the stronger was removed for execution.
d. The astrologer told him something unpleasant.
e. He condemned him to death.
f. The king called on him. He took the astrologer to be liar.
g. At this the king got furious.
h. He wanted to know about his future from him.
i. A famous astrologer happened to stop at his capital.
j. Once there was king.
Answer: j + b + i + f + h + d + g + e + c + a.
4. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. However he picked it up and carried it home.
b. He showed it to his wife.
c. The lands yielded him some crops.
d. One day he walks through the fields.
e. With that he supported his family.
f. He thought that it might have been dropped by a passer-by.
g. He had a few acres of land.
h. He was thinking how he could add to his income.
i. There lived a farmer in a village.
j. While walking he came across a purse of gold.
Answer: i + g + c + e + h + d + j + f + a + b.
5. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The old woman was very good and kind.
b. She could not but feel pity for him.
c. An old woman lived in the house.
d. He came to a house.
e. He was moving here in search of food.
f. So he gave him a full dish of food very qickly.
g. He asked her to give him something to eat.
h. She was very moved to hear Taimur’s word.
i. He did not get anything to eat.
j. One day Taimur because very hungry.
Answer: j + i + e + d + c + g + a + h + b + f.
6. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Rajah Dehir sent a cold reply to this message.
b. The ship was attacked by sea robbers from Debul, a sea - pot in Sind.
c. Hajjaj was very angry when he received the reply and decided to teach the proud king a lesson.
d. An Arab ship was carrying a party of Muslim from Ceylon to Mecca for the Hajj.
e. In Sina hard battle was fought and Rajah Dahir was killed and his army was completely defeated.
f. They looted the ship and carried away Muslim women and children.
g. He asked him to return the Muslim women and children.
h. He was angry when he heard what has happened and sent a messenger to Rajah Dahir the ruler of Sind.
i. He sent his nephew Mohammad - bin - Qasim at the head of 12000 soldiers.
j. This sad news reached Hajjaj- bin- Yusuf the Governor of Iraq.
Answer: i + d + c + j + e + f + g + h + b + a.
7. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Shakespeare was interested in the theatre and very soon he became an actor.
b. Shakespear composed both tragedies and comedies.
c. He was ranked the greatest dramatist in 1598.
d. In 1594 he became a member of the newly formed Lucre Chamberlains Company.
e. He possessed property both in Stratford and in London.
f. William Shakespeare was one of the greatest poets and dramatists of the world.
g. In the next two years, Shakespear wrote two long poems entiled, Venus and Adonis and Pope O Lucre.
h. He retired sometime before 1613 and in the small village of Stratford on Avon.
i. He was born on the 23thApril, 1564 in the small village of Stratford on Avon.
j. By 1592 he established himself as a dramatist of the age.
8. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Socrates could not tolerate this.
b. One day the women became more furious than ever.
c. She thought that her husband was not paying the least to her.
d. She began to insult him.
e. Socrates wife used to lose her temper on the slightest excuse.
f. So he went out of his room.
g. She went up to him with a bucket full of water and poured much water on him.
h. This made his wife more furious.
i. He sat on the door step of his house looking out on the public street.
Answer: e + i + b + d + a + f + j + h + c + g
9. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He was born in a prosperous family in 1832.
b. In the middle of 1880s the French government decided to organize a World Fair in Paris.
c. The Tower was completed in March 11889.
d. All over European engineers copied them.
e. He graduated from the Central School of Engineering in Paris.
f. Gustav Eiffel proposed a 989 feet tower of icon as a symbol of the exhibition.
g. For years Gustav made plan after plan of dams, factories and structures of great size.
h. Forty engineers and designers under Eiffel’s direction worked for two years.
i. Gustav Eiffel was was a Frenchman.
j. The construction of the Tower began in January 1887.
Answer: i + a + e + g + d + b + f + j + h + c
10. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The letter contained nothing but some words.
b. During his stay he received an unequal from his friend.
c. His friend thought that the contents of the parcel were valuable and so he paid the heavy charge for carrying.
d. Then he sent it to his friends with the words on it Carriage to be be paid on delivery.
e. He became very annoyed.
f. So he procured a heavy stone.
g. He wanted to teach his friend a good lesson.
h. An English poet was staying in Italy for the benefit of his health.
i. The poet had to pay double postage.
j. He packet if up in a fine box.
Answer: h + b + i + a + e + g + f + j + d + c
11. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. “Stop”, said the old man. “What have I done to deserve it”?
b. When the bad man came down, the owner of the garden caught hold of him and began to beat him with the stick.
c. One day the old man was stealing some mangoes from the garden of a neighbor.
d. But when he did any work, he would say, “God had it done by me.”
e. “Why are you stealing mangoes from my garden?” asked the owner of the garden.
f. “Because God is getting it done by me”, replied the bad man.
g. The owner of the garden said nothing.
h. He took a stick and was waiting for the bad man till he came down from the tree.
i. There was a bad man in a village.
j. The owner of the garden saw him stealing the mangoes and he hurried to the garden.
Answer: i + d + c + j + e + f + g + h + b +a
12. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. One of them started pulling the fog by his tail.
b. Both the crows went to the dog.
c. He dropped the piece of bone on the ground and then looked back to see what matter was.
d. Once a dog was eating a piece of bone sitting under a tree.
e. There sat a crow on the tree who wished to take away the bone for itself.
f. The dog felt disturbed and got very angry.
g. It flew away and after some time returned there with another crow.
h. The dog ran after the crows but in vain.
i. In the meeting the second crow flew away with the bone
j. He became very sad.
Answer: d + e + g + b + a + f + c + i + h +j
13. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village.
b. Taimur disguised himself as a poor traveler.
c. He came with a large army.
d. Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world.
e. The prince heard the news.
f. Thus he saved his life.
g. Taimur’s soldiers were all killed.
h. His soldiers surrounded the village on all sides.
i. The village was situated far away from the capital.
j. Once he attacked the proved of a powerful prince.
Ansewer: d + j + a + i + e + c + h + g + b +f
14. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was truthful from his boyhood.
b. He was the greatest of all the prophets.
c. He got revelation at the age of forty.
d. Then he was brought up by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib.
e. His father Abdullah died before his birth.
f. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was born in the Qurais tribe of Makkah in 570 A.D.
g. After the death of his grandfather he was brought up his uncle Abu Talib.
h. He made an organization named Hilful Fuzul at the age of 17.
i. He was brought up by Halima in his childhood.
j. He married Khadija at the age of 25.
Answer: f + e + i + d + g + a + h + j + c +b
15. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The emperor smiled and said, “My worthy Generals, I remember my promise very well.
b. But they were surprised to see that the emperor began to treat the rebels as friend.
c. When they reached the province all the rebels surrendered and began to be pardoned.
d. The generals thought the emperor would kill all the rebels.
e. A Chinese emperor was once informed that people in one of his provides had revolted.
f. They asked him, ‘you Majesty, why are you not keeping your promise?”
g. Hearing this, the called his generals and said, ‘We will destroy all our enemies’.
h. I meant to kill all my enemies not friends. And the rebels have become my friends.
i. The generals went to the king.
j. And remained him that it was to destroy the enemies no to forgive them.
Answer: e + g + c + d + b + i + f + j + a + h
16. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The king was scared and ordered his men to let the astrologer go free.
b. The astrologer took note and replied. “Your Majesty, the princes will live only fifty years.”
c. One day he was invited by the king to tell about the future of his daughter.
d. There lived a man in a certain country who could tell peoples future.
e. The king laughed at the fortune- teller and cut jokes with him.
f. He took the astrologer to liar.
g. The king said, “Judge correctly and say whether my daughter will live a hundred years.”
h. The astrologer had the presence of mind and said, “I’ll die just a week before you sir.”
i. Before the astrologer was taken away the king asked him. “Well astrologer, can you say you will die?”
j. The king was very angry and ordered for his execution.
Answer: d + c + g + b + j + e + f + i + h + a
17. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The banker said, “I’ll put an end to your toiling”
b. One day the banker asked the cobber, “how much a year do you earn?”
c. He took the money, hurried back home and buried it in the earth alas! He buried his happened with it too.
d. There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working singing from morning till night.
e. The cobbler replied, “How much a year sir?”
f. Take this money and keep them carefully and use in time of need.”
g. He had a rich neighbor who was a banker.
h. I have never counted that way.
i. The cobbler had never seen so much money at a time in his life before.
j. As you can see, “i live from hand to mouth but somehow I manage to have three meals everyday and I am happy.”
Answer: d + g + b + e + h + j + a + f + i + c
18. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. But there a neither the Caliph nor any of his officers here to see what we do”
b. While passing but a cottage, the Caliph heard people talking in a very low tone.
c. One night Caliph Omar was out in the streets of Media.
d. “But you have forgotten the Caliph’s order, “replied the daughter.
e. He had only one companion with him.
f. An old woman was saying to her young daughter, “Why not mix water with the milk for sale”.
g. “Well, we may escape the notice of the Caliph but cannot escape the eye Of Allah who knows and sees everything.”
h. He/they walked about the streets silently observing the conditions of his subjects.
i. You know how poor we are and badly need money.
j. “He wants that nobody should sell milk mixed water.”
Answer: c + e + h + b + f + i + d + j + a +g
19. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. As he and the guard came down, he took them to the crack.
b. The cowboy immediately realized the great danger that awaited the train and its passengers.
c. But the boy did not move in inch.
d. One morning a boy tending cattle by the side of a railway line, notice that a small railway bridge had cracked by the heavy shower the previous night.
e. The drive thought that it was a mischievous trick of a village unchins.
f. He ran up to the line and took off his shirts.
g. So the train continued to advance, whistling furiously to scare away the boy.
h. He then saw a passenger train in the distance.
i. He began to wave the shirts as a warning to the drive.
j. The driver was compelled to stop the train.
Answer: d + h + b+ f + i + e + g + c + j + a
20. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. So he made up his mind to give up his throne and divide his kingdom among his three daughters.
b. Goneril was the elders, Regan was second and Cordelia was the youngest and the king’s the most favourite.
c. These events happened long ago when king Lear was ruling Britain.
d. But before giving up his throne, Lear wanted to know how much his daughters loved him.
e. He needed peace and rest.
f. King Lear had three daughters.
g. He was over eighty years of age.
h. Now Lear was a very old man.
i. Their names were Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.
j. He was tired of ruling his Kingdom.
Answer: c + g + b+ i + e + h+ f + j + a + d
21. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. But he was always in need of money.
b. Its riches came from trade with other countries.
c. The city of Vencice was once rich.
d. Whevever he cneeded money he would go to Antonio who would lend him money without asking a question.
e. Among the riches of them was Antonio
f. Antoni had a close friend named Bassanio.
g. It was powerful too.
h. He was famous for his honesty and kindness.
i. For this reason the chief citizens of Venice ere rich merchants.
j. Bassanio was young and handsome born in a noble family and liked to live in a grand style.
Answer: c + g + b + i + e + h + f + j + a + d.
22. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. They sat together and talked over plans of getting their lost kingdom.
b. He stopped for a short while at Agra and Delhi.
c. Humayun had been defeated many times by Sher Shah.
d. Here all his nobles had already come together.
e. Then he left for Lahore.
f. Humayun told them what he wanted to do.
g. The princes and nobles understood that then only course was to fight again.
h. After his defeat at Chausha Humayun fled towards Agra.
i. So they decided to put together all they had and prepared for a fight.
j. He arrived at Lahore after a long journey.
Answer: f + j + b + d + a + e + h + c + g + i.
23. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. So Dickens was withdrawn from school.
b. He could never forget this hard reality of his boyhood.
c. Charles Dickens was born on the 5th February 1812 in a small but respectable house at Land port near Portsmouth.
d. His father John Dickens was a clerk in the navy pay Office.
e. He was sent to work in a factory in 1823.
f. Because of poor financial condition, they had to move to London in 1814 where they stayed for two years.
g. They resumed to London again after six years.
h. The family again transferred to Chathana in 1816.
i. Hia father was arrested as he could not pay his debts.
j. But their fortune remained the same.
Answer: c + d + f + h + g + j + i + a + e + b.
24. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He came to his own village and told the villagers that he was well versed in English.
b. He had a grat attraction for English and so went to a teacher.
c. If anybody asked him any question or discussed a thing with him, he say either yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘very well.’
d. The teacher began to teach him, but the man was dull- headed.
e. There lived a man in a certain village.
f. His teacher tried his best to teach village.
g. But the man did not know their meaning.
h. However after trying hard for a couple of months, the teacher released.
i. He used to the three words while speaking with any man.
j. The man grasped only three English words ‘yes’ ‘no’ and ‘very good’.
Answer: e + b + d + f + h + j + g + a + i + c.
25. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He was an enemy of the English in India.
b. Tipu Sultan was the great son of the great father.
c. The Marathon did not come to help Tipu.
d. The English made up a plan to weaken his hand.
e. So he eas left alone in the struggle against the English.
f. They kept aloof.
g. Tipu Sultan’s younger brother, Karim Shah, secretly joined the English camp.
h. He defeated the English forces in my battles and became the terror to the the English.
i. He was a hero and patriot like his father, Haider ali Khan.
j. He used the three words while speaking with man. They won over the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Nizam joined the English.
Answer: b + i + a + h + d + j + g + c + f + e
26. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Bur the guest praised Hatem Tai also.
b. Long long there live king and generous man in Yemen.
c. The guest him more than their king.
d. People praised him more than their hospitable.
e. He was not rich but he was their king.
f. So the king felt happy and proud.
g. One day the king gave a dinner.
h. This made the king angry.
i. So the king gave a dinner.
j. The name of that man was Hatem Tai.
Answer: b + j + e + d + g + c + f + a + h + i.
27. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He found a mad dog and injected some weak germs of its disease into blood.
b. Other doctors began to study his work.
c. Pasteur was a French scientist.
d. One day a boy named Joseph Meister was brought to Pasteur.
e. The dog was cured.
f. The news of pasteur’s success spread all over the world.
g. He had been bitten by a mad dog.
h. He discovered that diseases are caused by germs and he alsp found for several of them.
i. Pasteur gave him treated animals because he did not want to cause the death of any human being.
j. At first he only treated animals, because he did not want to cause the death of any human being.
Answer: c + h + j + a + e + d + g + i + f + b.
28. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He travelled for more than thirty years.
b. He boarded a ship for Chittagogn.
c. Outside the town of Stylhet two persons met him.
d. Ibn-i-Batuta became very pleased hearing it.
e. It took him about six months to reach Chittagong.
f. They said that they were sent by Shah Jalal to receive him.
g. From there he had to walk for another month to reach Sylhet.
h. You might have hear the name of ibn - i- Batuta.
i. You might have down that entered he saw.
j. He head the name of Shah Jalal of Syhlet and decieded to visist him.
Answer: h + a + i + j + b + e + g + c + f + d.
29. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He is called the Father of Biology because of his creativity.
b. ‘Polities’ is one of his famous books where we get the fullest development of his wisdom.
c. Aristotle was born in Greece.
d. He also wrote books on literature, economics and comparative polities.
e. He wanted to be a physician but he never cherished to be so.
f. As a result from his childhood, he studied under a great free thinker Plato.
g. As a result from childhood, he studied under a great free thinker Plato.
h. He was a son of Royal Physician.
i. Aristotle achieving his academic qualifications took the pen to write different topics suitable for human civilization.
j. Plato taught Aristotle according to his own way.
Answer: c + h + f + e + g + j + i + b + d + a.
30. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He had not much education.
b. He ascended the throne of Delhi at the age of 13.
c. His full name was Jalal Uddin Mahammad Akbar.
d. He was skilled in warefare.
e. Akbar was born in 1542 at Amafkoat in Sindh.
f. He won the 2nd Panipath battle in 1556.
g. His father was Humayun.
h. It was the greatest victory in his life.
i. He ruled over grandson of Babur.
j. He was the grandson of Babur.
Answer: e + c + a + j + b + a + d + f + h + i.
31. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Some of the best works are Gitanjali, Sonar Tari, Kheya, and Balaka.
b. He had no regular school education.
c. Rabindranath Tagore was born at Jorasako in Calacutta on 7 May, 1861.
d. He established a school at Santiniketon and afterwards founded the University of Viswa Bharati.
e. He was educated at home by his father and tutors.
f. He composed Gitanjali, a short of poems, and won the Nobel Prize in 1913.
g. He was a poet, a dramatist, a short story - writer, a novelist and an essayist.
h. He was a man of versatile genius.
i. He was a great patriot.
j. His father was Maharshi Debendranath Tagore.
Answer: e + h + f + j + a + g + b + c + i + d.
32. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He showed extraordinary merit in every examination of the school.
b. He made a great plan to give a new structure of education system.
c. He made a great contribution to the scientific research of Bangladesh.
d. At the age of six he was admitted to a Furkania Madrasha and then in an English school.
e. Extraordinary meritorious Dr. Kudrat-e Khuda was born on the 18th may in district of Birbhum in West Bangal in 1900.
f. In 1925, he passed M. Sc. in Chemistry from Kolkata University with star marks.
g. He died on 3rd November, 1977.
h. His father Hazrat Shah Abdul Mukti was a pious man and his mother Fashiha Khatun was also a pious woman.
i. In 1953, he was appointed Chairman of the Secondary Education Board.
j. In 1929, he obtained D. Sc. from Imperial College in England.
Answer: e + h + d + a + f + j + c + i + b + g.
33. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He passed his boyhood with his parents.
b. The school was four miles away from their house.
c. Fleming was a very regular and attentive student.
d. He was the seventh of the eight brothers and sisters.
e. Penicillin is a life saving medicine.
f. Dr. Fleming was given the title’ Knight’ in 1944 for for his humanitarian services.
g. It was discovered by Dr. Alexander Fleming.
h. He went to school and came back home on foot.
i. Fleming was born in poor family of Scotland.
j. Up to the age of twelve, he was never absent from school.
Answer: e + g + i + d + a + c + h + b + j + f.
34. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. They never imagined that this shabbily dressed would be Einstein himself.
b. He could not think that these people were there actually to receive him.
c. Einstein, however, walked the whole way from the station with a suitcase in one hand a violin in the other.
d. “But”, Einstein added, “I assure you, I greatly enjoyed the walk”.
e. Once Einstein went went to Brussels at the invitation of the Queen of Belgium.
f. When he got down from the train at Brussels, he saw many gorgeously dressed people present at the station.
g. The officials also expected to see somebody who would appear to be rich and aristocratic to them.
h. With a smile on his face, he replied, “I didn’t expect that, you’re Majesty.”
i. When he reached the palace, the Queen said to him, “I sent a car for you Dr.”
j. So they went back to the Queen and informed her that the great scientist had not come by the train.
Answer: e + f + h + g + a + j + c + i + h + d.
35. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Then she became a teacher of a school in Calcutta.
b. Soon her activities for the services of mankind spread all over the world.
c. She was on her heels for the services of mankind spread all over the world.
d. As the recognition to her service, she was awarded Nobel Prize for peace in 1979.
e. She was one of those people who dedicate their lives to the service of mankind.
f. When swore to dedicate her life for the cause of the helpless and poor people.
g. She wrote to dedicate her life for the cause of the helpless and poor people.
h. She was born in Yugoslavia in 1910.
i. She was also given ‘Bharat Ratna Award’ in the following year.
j. You have heard the name of Mother Teresa.
Answer: j + h + e + f + a + g + b + d + i + c.
36. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. There ruled a king porus.
b. He was brought before Alexander.
c. Alexander was pleased with porus at his bold reply.
d. Alexander crossed the Khaiber Pass and reached India.
e. Porus came forward with his men to defend Alexander.
f. But unfortunately he was defeated in the battle and taken prisoner.
g. Then he came to the Plain of the Punjab.
h. “Like a king”, was the reply of Porus.
i. Alexander asked him how he would like to be treated.
j. He allowed him to rule his country as before and also made him king of another province in the Punjab.
Answer: d + g + a + j + b + i + f + h + c + e.
37. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He is the founder of welfare economics which torches the lives of the poorest people of the society.
b. Finally he became the master of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1977.
c. His parents were Ashutosh Sen and Amita Sen, both were ardent follows of Rabindranath.
d. He wrote many books on welfare economics for which ‘ Ecocomic Inequality’ and Povwrty and Famines’ and famous.
e. Sri Sen, had made up proud.
f. At first he was admitted to St. Gregory School in Dhaka. Then he had his education from Santniketon and next in Presidency College and finally at Cambridge.
g. He was the first Asian winner of Nobel Prize in Economics awarded in 1998.
h. Amartaya Sen, a Grat Economist, was born in Dhaka on November,1933.
i. Later he taught at Delhi University and next in London School of Economics at Oxford.
j. Back to India he became the Head of Economics Department of Joydevpur University.
Answer: h + a + c + f + j + i + b + d + g + e.
38. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He obtained his Doctorate Degree from Boston University.
b. He was imprisoned for his movement against the colour difference.
c. He donated all hid money for the development of the Negro Nation.
d. Martin Luther King was a great leader in the history of the freedom of the Negro Nations.
e. He was awarded Novel Peace Prize for leading the racial problem of American in a non-violent and peaceful way.
f. After marriage he worked as a clergyman in the Baptist Church of Albama
g. He was born on 15th January, 1929 in the Atlanta city.
h. He was shot dead in 1966 when he was only 37 years old.
i. As a student he was very brilliant.
j. Towards the end of his university life, he married an extra ordinary learned woman called Corate Scott.
Answer: d + g + i + a + j + f + b + e + c + h.
39. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Mahammad Yunus received however his higher education in economics.
b. He founded the Grameen Bank and because it’s Managing Director.
c. His parents wanted him to be a doctor.
d. He became head of the economics department at Chittagong University in 1972.
e. He was awarded a full bright scholarship in USA.
f. Muhammad Yunus was born in 1940 in Chittagong the business Bangladesh.
g. They were helpful to Ynus since he was a child.
h. He organized the world’s first Micro-Credit summit in Washington D.C.
i. He was the third son of 14 children of his parents.
j. He received his Ph.D from Vanderbilt University in USA.
Answer: f + e + g + c + j + b + a + i + h + d
40. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. But there he studied literature instead of law with Professor Henry Marlow only for a few months and afterwards he returned home.
b. When he was 17, he was sent to London to study law.
c. Only at the age of 8 he started composing poems and verse.
d. One year after his being awarded the Nobel prize, he was made of a ‘Kaight’ by the British Govt.
e. He was born in the renowed Tagore family of Jorasanko in Calcuatta on 6th mmarch 1861.
f. Rabindranth Tagore was one of the most leading poets in the history of world’s literature.
g. Under the personal care of his father he gained vast knowledge in the Benglali, Ssnskrit and English.
h. In 1911 he translated his poems of “The Gitanjal” into English wich brought him the highest honor in the form of the Nobel prize in 1913.
i. After his return from England, he began to write continuously in all branches of literature.
j. When he was 16, his poems and essays were being published in journals.
Answer : f + e + g + c + j + b + a + i + h + d.
41. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Hillary and Tanzing started their expenditure on March 10, 1953.
b. But the stop was still 2000 feet away.
c. The conquest of Everest was one of the greatest achievements of men.
d. Many expeditions had been lent to conquer Mount Everest before the expedition of Tenzing and Illiteracy.
e. Ignoring all odds and difficulties they continued climbing and set up their last camp at 27,000 feet.
f. Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Torkay accomplished this achievement on May 10, 1953.
g. Only Hillary and Tenzing reached that height.
h. They started climbing by setting up camps at different places some leaving some of their men and supplies there.
i. With renewed vigor and courage they went on climbing and eventually succeeded in reading the top on May.
j. But they became unsuccessful and many climbing lost their lives.
Answer: c + f + d + j + a + h + e + b + i + g.
42. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. He was sitting in corner of the garden.
b. He did this some time.
c. Hazrat Hasan (R) was a very pious and honest man.
d. The boy took a bit of the bread in his Hand.
e. He had a small piece of bread in his hand.
f. A huge dog sat at a distance looking at him.
g. One day while passing through a date garden, he saw a boy.
h. Thus he actually ate one half of his brad and gave away the other to the dog.
i. Hazrat Hasan (R) was surprised at the behavior of the boy.
j. He went to the boy and talked to him.
Answer : c + g + a + e + f + d + b + h + i + j.
43. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. At last, what we call nations grew.
b. Therefore, they started to make friends with neighboring groups, so that they might fight the others better.
c. Soon, however, they came to see that it was useful to have some friends to help them.
d. A tribe would not fight within it, but quarrels went on between one tribe and another.
e. Think of the first human beings, living in small scattered groups, each made up of a few families.
f. Each, therefore, felt it necessary to grow larger and more powerful.
g. Bigger and bigger tribes came into being.
h. The member of each group would hunt together and also fight other groups over things they needed.
i. Then these- friends came to live together and formed large bodies called tribes.
j. So tribes began to join themselves together, or were swallowed up by some larger tribes.
Answer : e + h + c + b + i + d + f + j + g + a.
44. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The rain filled his heart with joy.
b. The father and the son drove their oxen to the field.
c. He and his son Mizan work together in the paddy field.
d. He has five acres of land.
e. Jamal is a farmer living in a village in Kalaroa, Satkhira.
f. One night Jamal woke up by the sound of heavy rain falling on the thatched roof.
g. Early in the morning he woke worried.
h. So, they became worried.
i. They ploughed some fields.
j. This year the rainy season was a little late.
Answer : e + d + c + j + h + f + a + g + b + i.
45. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The honest farmer told his wife that honesty is the best policy and that he would first try to find out the man who had lost it.
b. There lived a poor but worthy farmer in a village.
c. She advised him to use it or at least a part of it for themselves.
d. With the small income of his few acres of land , he used to support himself wife and seven children.
e. One day while walking through the field, he found a purse of gold which had been dropped by a passer- by.
f. The famer kept saying, “Honesty is the best policy.”
g. The wife rebuked the husband for his foolishness.
h. He carried it home and showed it to his wife.
i. The rich man took the purse and gave him thanks but no reward.
j. The owner of the purse was at last discovered by the farmer.
Answer : b + d + e + h + c + a + j + i + g + f.
46. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Gustave proposed a 989 feet high tower of iron as a symbol of exhibition and a lot of people worked on it for two years.
b. He used to work for a railway construction compay.
c. He comes of a rich family.
d. He had his education in Engineering.
e. The Eiffel Tower was named after Gustave Eiffel.
f. The tower was completed in March in 1889.
g. Gustave made plans of dams, factories, stations and structures of big size construction.
h. A world’s fair was held in Paris.
i. It is still regarded as one of the wonders to the worlds.
j. Millions of people visit the tower every year.
Answer : e + c + d + b + g + h + a + f + i + j.
47. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The first friend climbed up a tree.
b. Suddenly a bear came there.
c. Once upon a time two friends were passing by a forest.
d. The later could not clime up a tree.
e. They were talking about their love for each other.
f. He did not any way.
g. The bear smelt his ears, nose and face.
h. He lay down on the ground and feigned death.
i. Then the bear went away.
j. He thought him to be dead.
Answer: c + e + b + a + d + f + h + g + j + i.
48. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Then the leader of the robbers’ cam to Saadi.
b. The merchants had their goods and a lot a money.
c. He had a bundle of books and some money with him.
d. They travelled for twelve days without any trouble.
e. He ordered Saadi to give all he had to him.
f. On the thirteen day a gang of robbers attack them.
g. Sheikh Saadi was going to Baghdad with a group of rich merchants.
h. Saadi Sheikh Saadi was going to Baghdad with a group of rich merchants.
i. Saadi then said, “I hope that you will make good use of these books.”
j. The robbers took away all the goods and money from the merchants.
Answer : h + c + b + d + f + j + a + e + g + i.
49. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. At the age of eleven he showed his poetic genius.
b. On his return from the battle field, he gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.
c. In 1914 when the First World War broke out, he wanted to join the army.
d. Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1305 B.S (1899 A.D) at churulia in the district of Bhudwan.
e. At the age of 19 he joined the army as an ordinary solider.
f. He wrote a lot of poems, song, short stories, gazals, novels, etc and travelled all branches of Bengali literature.
g. His poems inspired our freedom fighters in the Liberation War of Bangladesh.
h. His famous poem Bidrohi stirred the whole nation.
i. He died in the 29th August 1976.
j. Then he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet.
Answer : d + a + c + e + b + f + h + g + j + i.
50. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. One of them started pecking the dog’s tail.
b. Both the crows went near the dog.
c. The dog dropped the bone and looked at the crow.
d. Once a dog was eating a bone piece of meat under a tree.
e. The dog not only felt disturbed but also became angry.
f. It flew away and after some time return with another with another crow.
g. A crow saw him and wished to eat that.
h. In the mean time the other crow flew away with the bone.
i. This made him sad and helpless.
j. The dog ran after the crow but in vain.
Answer: d + g + f + b + a + e + c + h + j + i.
51. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The Nobel Prize has been given, since 1901.
b. In 1850 Alfred joined his Dynamite business.
c. He was an engineer and chemist.
d. Dr. Alfred Nobel was born on 21st October, 1833 at Stockholm, Sweden.
e. This award was named after Alfred Nobel and it was called Nobel Prize.
f. His father ammunition business at Leningrad.
g. His father Emanued Nobel was an architect and researcher.
h. He had ammunition business at Leningrad.
i. He undertook a plan to give an award for encouraging the creative work for setting up peace in the world.
j. After some years Alfred Nobel invented Dynamite.
Answer : e + d + g + h + b + j + c + i + f + a
52. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The mayor called a meeting of the councilors.
b. The people of the town came to the town hall.
c. At that moment there was a knock at the door.
d. They said to the Mayor to do something about rats.
e. The Mayor and the councilors talked about the problem.
f. A long time ago the town of Hamlin in Germany was faced with a great problem.
g. The Mayor said, “Come in.”
h. But they could not find a way out.
i. The stranger entered the hall.
j. It became full of rates.
Answer : f + j + b + d + a + e + h + c + g + i.
53. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The angel took down his request and went away.
b. His name was Abu-Ben-Adhem.
c. Abu then requested him to put his name in the list because he loved mankind and his fellow brothers.
d. He again appeared the next night and showed Abu that his name was at the top of the list.
e. The angel was writing the names of persons who loved God.
f. Once upon a time there was an, honest and pious man.
g. He asked the angel if his name was there.
h. He was once sleeping peacefully.
i. In reply the angel said that his mane was not there.
j. Suddenly he woke up and saw an angel.
Answer: f + b + h + j + e + g + i + c + a + d.
54. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. The princes had fixed allowance for pocket money.
b. She saw a box market half a crown.
c. But her governess said, “No the princess has no money and so she can’t buy the box.”
d. But she had no money left in her purse.
e. Once she had spent all her money in buying present for her friends and relatives.
f. Queen Victoria, when a little girl, was taught economical habits by her governess.
g. The people in the shop wanted to enclose the box with others articles.
h. She considered that the box would be most appropriate gift for him.
i. As she was leaving, she remembered a cousin for whom she bought no present.
j. She was not permitted to exceed the amount.
Answer:f + a + j + e + i + b + h + d + g + c.
55. Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:
a. Shakespear was interested in the theatre and very soon became an actor.
b. Shakespeare composed both tragedies and comedies.
c. He was ranked as the greatest dramist by 1598.
d. In 1594 he became a member of the newly formed Chamberlains Company.
e. He possessed property in Straford and in London.
f. William Shakespeare was one of the greatest poets and dramatist of the world.
g. In the next two years, he wrote two long poems entitled, “Venus and Adonis” and “The Rape of Lucree”.
h. He was born on 23 April, 1564 in the small village of Stratford on Avon.
i. He retired sometime before 1664 and died in 1616 in Paris.
j. By 1592 he established himself as a leading dramatist of the age.
Answer: f + h + a + b + j + g + d + c + e + j.
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