Thursday, August 15, 2019

Tag Question Exercise

Tag Question Exercise -1

1.         I go to school , _don’t I?
2.         I do not go to school,do I?
3.         You go to school,don’t you?
4.         You do not go to school,do you?
5.         He goes to school,doesn’t he?
6.         He does not go to school,does he?
7.         They go to school,don’t they ?
8.         I am happy,aren’t I?
9.         He is happy ,isn’t he?
10.       You are a student,aren’t you?
11.       He hardly goes there ,does he ?
12.       I have a few books,have I?
13.       Birds can fly,can they?
14.       They work hard,don’t they?
15.       Kamal and Rahim read books ,don’t they ?/didn’t they?
16.       Kamal as well as Rahim went to market,didn’t he?
17.       Some of them phoned me,didn’t they?
18.       Some of you can help him,can’t you?
19.       Everybody likes him,don’t they?
20.       Everybody came forward to help you ,didn’t they?

Tag Question Exercise -2
1.Let's go for a walk,shall we?
2.Let us have some fun,shall we?
3.Let him go there, will you?
4.Come here,won't you/will you?
5. Don't go there,will you?
6.Don't tell a lie,will you?
7.Open the door,will you ?
8.Honey tastes sweet,doesn't it?
9.The poor wanted a help,didn't they?
10.Kindly do me a favour, will you/can't you?
11.None can do this, can they?
12.Nobody dislikes flowers, do they?
13.Everybody is working, aren't they?
14.He put the book on the table, didn't he?
 15.Please give me a book,would you/will you?
16.You have a dog, don't you/haven't you?
17.You do not have a dog,do you ?
18.The mother rose in her,didn't it ?
19.Have a cup of tea,will you ?
20.How nice the girl is! isn't she ?

Tag Question Exercise -3

1.Practice makes a man perfect,  doesn’t it ?
2.The baby is innocent,  isn’t it  ?
3.A barking dog seldom bites, does it ?
4.Every mother loves her child,  don’t they   ?
5.Economics is my favourite  subject,  isn’t it ?
6.You need not go to the field, need you ?
7.What a wonder it is! isn’t it ?
8.Allah alone can help us,  can’t He ?

9.Nothing is impossible on earth,  is it ?
10.Let them work in the field will you ?
11.This is a nice book, isn’t it  ?
12.Some of mangoes were ripe, weren’t they?
13.The colour of her eyes is black, isn’t it ?
14.The mice made holes, didn’t they ?
15.We ought to love our country, oughtn’t we?
16.The committee appointed him Headmaster, didn’t they?
17.People elected him a MP,  didn’t they?
18.The Peasantry of Bangladesh did not lead a happy life,  did they ?
19.The brave deserve the fair, didn’t they  ?
20.No pains, no gains, is it ?

Tag Question Exercise -4
1.I need go there ,don’t I  ?
2.He as well as his brother went there,didn’t he?
3.He’s waiting for me ,isn’t he ?
4.He’s done the work, hasn’t he?
5.He’d a cow ,didn’t he ?
6.He’d gone to school,hadn’t he?
7.He’d go there, wouldn’t he ?
8.He said that he had done the work,  didn’t he?
9.What he says is true, isn’t it?
10.Nobody cares, don’t they?

Tuesday, August 13, 2019



1. Affirmative: Only Allah can help us.
(একমাত্র আল্লাহ আমাদেরকে সাহায্য করতে পারেন ।)
Negative: None but Allah can help us.
(আল্লাহছাড়া আমাদেরকে কেউ সাহায্য করতে পারেন না)
2. Affirmative : She alone can learn the lesson.  
                   (সে একাকী পাঠটি শিখতে পারে ।)
Negative: None but she can learn the lesson.
                (সে ছাড়া কেউ পাঠটি শিখতে পারেনা। )
3. Affirmative: Only the book was on the table.
                  (শুধুমাত্র বইটি টেবিলের উপর ছিল ।)
Negative: Nothing but the book was on the table.
         (বইটি ব্যতীত টেবিলের উপর ছিল কিছুই ছিল না।)
4. Affirmative: He wants only a shirt.
                 (সে একটিমাত্র জামা চায় ।)
Negative: He wants nothing but a shirt.
             (সে শার্ট ছাড়া কিছুই চায় না ।)
5. Affirmative: Kamal was only seven years old.
               (কামালের বয়স মাত্র সাত বছর ছিল ।)
Negative: Kamal was not more than seven years old.
           (কামালের বয়স  সাত বছরের বেশি ছিল না ।) 
6. Affirmative: He is only ten.
                     (তিনি মাত্র দশ ।)
Negative: He is not more than ten.
               (তিনি দশের চেয়ে বেশি নয় ।)
7. Affirmative: We must obey our parents.
       (আমরা অবশ্যই আমাদের মাতা পিতাকে মান্য করতে হবে ।)
Negative: We cannot but obey our parents.
 (আমরা আমাদের মাতা পিতাকে মান্য না করে পারি না ।)
8. Affirmative: He must do it.
            (তোমাকে অবশ্যই এটি করতে হবে ।)
    Negative:  He cannot but do it.
                 =He cannot help doing it.
   (সে এটা না করে পারেই না ।)
9.Affirmative: I have to go there.
        (আমাকে সেখানে যেতে হবে ।)
 Negative: I cannot but go there.
            =I cannot help going there.
        (আমি সেখানে না যেয়ে পারি না /পারবো না ।)       
10. Affirmative: We must obey our parents.
    (আমরা অবশ্যই আমাদের মাতা পিতাকে মান্য করতে হবে ।)
Negative: We cannot help obeying our parents.
(আমরা আমাদের মাতা পিতাকে মান্য না করে পারি না ।)
11. Affirmative: Only he can do it.
          (তিনি এটা করতে পারেন ।)
 Negative: He cannot help doing
 = He cannot but do it.
                 (তিনি এটা না করে পারেন না  ।)
12. Affirmative: The girl had to talk with her friends.
      (মেয়েটিকে তার বন্ধুর সাথে কথা বলতে হয়েছিল ।)
Negative: The girl could not but talk with her friends.
      (মেয়েটি তার বন্ধুর সাথে কথা না বলে পারলো না । )
13. Affirmative: We could enjoy the game.       
      (আমরা খেলাটি উপভোগ করতে পেরেছিলাম।)
Negative: We could not but enjoy the game.
Negative: They could not help enjoying the game. 
      (আমরা খেলাটি উপভোগ না করে পারলাম না ।)
14. Affirmative: Everybody loves flowers.
                  (প্রত্যেকে ফুল ভালবাসে ।)
Negative: There is nobody but loves flowers.
        (এমন কেহ নেই যে ফুল ভালবাসে না ।) 
Negative: There is nobody who does not love flowers.
         (এমন কেহ নেই যে ফুল ভালবাসে না ।) 
15. Affirmative: All man are mortal.
            (সকল মানুষ মরণশীল ।) 
Negative: No man is immortal.
          (কোন মানুষ অমর নয় )  
16. Affirmative: Everybody is depended on others.    
         (সকল মানুষ অন্যের উপর নির্ভরশীল ) 
Negative: Nobody is self-reliant.
              (কেহ স্বনির্ভর নয় )  
17. Affirmative: Every rose has a throne.
                  (প্রতিটি গোলাপে কাঁটা আছে  ।) 
Negative: There is no rose without a throne.
        (কাঁটাব্যতীত কোন গোলাপ নেই ।) 
18. Affirmative: Every mother loves her child .
(প্রতিটি মা তার সন্তানকে ভালোবাসে   )
 Negative: There is no mother but loves her child.
  =There is no mother who does not love her child.
(এমন কোন মা নেই যিনি তার সন্তানকে ভালোবাসে না )  
=No mother hates her child .
   (কোন মা তার সন্তানকে ঘৃণা করে না
19. Affirmative: As soon as I reached the station, the train left.
                   (আমি স্টেশনে পৌঁছামাত্র ট্রেন ছেড়ে দিল ।) 
Negative: No sooner had I reached the station the train left.
           (আমি স্টেশনে পৌঁছতে না পৌঁছতে  ট্রেন ছেড়ে দিল ।) 
20. Affirmative: Always speak the truth.
                (সদা সত্যকথা বলবে  
Negative: Never tell a lie.
(কখনো মিথ্যাকথা বলবে না।) 
21. Affirmative: I am always happy.
                 (আমি সবসময় সুখি
Negative: I am never unhappy.
               (আমি কখনো অসুখি নয়
22. Affirmative: He is both a poet and a teacher.
             (তিনি একাধারে কবি এবং শিক্ষক।)  
Negative: He is not only a teacher but also a teacher.
       (তিনি শুধু একজন কবি নয় ,একজন শিক্ষকও বটে।)   
23. Affirmative: Moni is the tallest girl in the class.
 (মনি শ্রেণিতে সবচেয়ে লম্বা বালিকা।)          
Negative: No other girl in the class is as tall as Moni.
(শ্রেণিতে অন্যকোন মেয়ে মনির মত লম্বা নয়।)         
24. Affirmative: Dhaka is larger than any other city in the country.
(ঢাকা দেশের অন্য শহরের চেয়ে অধিকতর বড়।)
Negative: No other city in the country is as large as Dhaka.
(দেশের অন্যকোন শহর ঢাকা যত বড় তত নয়।) 
25. Affirmative: He is too weak to walk.
(সে এত দূর্বল যে হাঁটতে অসমর্থ )
Negative: He is so weak that he cannot walk.
   (সে এত দূর্বল যে হাঁটতে পারেনা )
26. Affirmative: Rimi is as tall as Luna.
(রিমি লুনার মত লম্বা ।) 
Negative: Luna is not taller than Rimi.
(লুনা রিমির চেয়ে অধিকতর লম্বা নয় )  
27. Affirmative: He sometimes plays football.
(সে মাঝে মাঝে ফুটবল খেলে )
Negative: He does not always play football.
(সে সবসময় ফুটবল খেলে না ।)
28. Affirmative: I have many books.
(আমার অনেক বই আছে ।)
Negative: I have not a few books.
(আমার মাত্র কয়েকটি বই নেই ।)
29. Affirmative: I have a few books.
(আমার মাত্র কয়েকটি বই আছে।)
Negative: I have not a lot of books.
(আমার অনেক বই নেই ।)
30. Affirmative: There is a little water in the glass.
(গ্লাসে সামান্য পরিমাণ পানি আছে।)
Negative: There is not much water in the glass.
(গ্লাসে প্রচুর পানি নেই ।)
31. Affirmative: I have few friends.
(আমার খুব কম সংখ্যক বন্ধু আছে ।)
Negative: I have not a lot of friends.
(আমার খুব বেশি সংখ্যক বন্ধু নেই )
32. Affirmative: He has much money.
(তার প্রচুর টাকা আছে ।)
Negative: He has not a little money.
(তার খুব অল্প পরিমাণ টাকা নেই ।)
33. Affirmative: He is a regular student in the class.
(সে ক্লাসের নিয়মিত ছাত্র ।)
Negative: He is not an irregular student in the class.
(সে ক্লাসের অনিয়মিত ছাত্র নয় ।)
34. Affirmative: By working hard you will be succeeded.
(কঠোর পরিশ্রম দ্বারা তুমি সফল হবে )
Negative: Without working hard you will not be succeeded.
(কঠোর পরিশ্রম ব্যতীত তুমি সফল হবেনা।)
35. Affirmative: He is always active.
(সে সর্বদা সক্রিয় ।)
Negative: He is never lazy.
(সে কখনো অলস নয় ।)
36. Affirmative: I come here for the last time.
(আমি শেষবারের মত এখানে আসি ।)
Negative: Never again shall I come here.
(আমি কখনো পুনরায় এখানে আসবো না )
37. Affirmative: I missed the train.
(আমি ট্রেনটি মিস করেছি ।)
Negative: I could not catch the train.
(আমি ট্রেনটি ধরতে পারিনি ।)
38. Affirmative: I am always against smoking.
(আমি সর্বদা ধুমপানের বিপক্ষে ।)
Negative: I am never in favor of smoking.
(আমি কখনো  ধুমপানের পক্ষে নই ।)    
39. Affirmative: Health is wealth.
(স্বাস্থ্যই সম্পদ ।)     
Negative: Isn’t health is wealth?
(স্বাস্থ্য কি সম্পদ নয় ?)
40. Affirmative: The sun rises in the east.
(সূর্য পূর্বদিকে উদিত হয় ।)
Negative: Doesn’t the sun rises in the east?
(সূর্য কি পূর্বদিকে উদিত হয় না?)
41. Affirmative: All must submit to destiny.
(সকলকে নিয়তীর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করতে হবেই ।)
Negative: No one can escape his destiny.
(কেহ তার নিয়তীর লিখন থেকে মুক্তি পেতে পারে না। )
42. Affirmative: I have few friends.
(আমার মাত্র কয়েকজন বন্ধু আছে।)
Negative: I have not a single friend.
(আমার মাত্র একজন বন্ধু নাই ।)
43. Affirmative: Where there is smoke, there is fire.
(যেখানে ধোঁয়া আছে সেখানে আগুন আছে।)
Negative: There can be no smoke without fire.
(আগুন ব্যতীত ধোঁয়া হতে পারে না ।)
44. Affirmative: I need a book only. 
(আমার একটিমাত্র বই দরকার ।)
Negative: I need nothing but a book.
(একটি বই ছাড়া আমার আর কিছু দরকার নেই

Tag Questions

Board Questions:Tag Questions 

1.Make tag questions of these statements. 1x5=5   DHAKA BOARD- 2017
(a) Telling lies is a great sin, —? 
(b) One lie begets hundred lies, —?
(c) Man hardly believes a liar —?
(d) A liar has to lead a miserable life, —-?
(e). So, all of us ought to refrain from telling lies,—?

2.Make tag questions of these statements. 1 x5=5  Rajshahi board-17
(a) Patriotism is a great virtue, —? | 
(b) Every religion teaches us to be patriot, —? '
(c) We all must, remember that the country is above everything, —?
(d) Why some people forget it is really a question, —?
(e) We hope that nobody will derail from the right path, —? '
3.Make tag questions of these statements.         1x5=5 DHAKA BOARD- 2015
(a) Most of the students who fail in English don’t have strong foundation over grammar, ---- ?
(b) They read only to pass the examination, ---- ?
(c) Teachers should motivate them to learn the basic thing ---- ?
(d) They can’t help learning grammar, ---- ?
(e) Moreover, practice is essential too ---- ?
4.Make tag questions of these statements.   Chittagong Board-2015

(a) Mina is having a birthday party in the afternoon, ---- ?  
(b) Yes, she is. She’s been busy in cleaning and dusting the drawing room, ---?
(c) Yesterday her father brought her a lovely dress, ---- ?
(d) And her mother wants to give her a pleasant surprise, ---- ?
(e) Certainly, let’s buy a nice gift for you, ---- ?
5.Make tag questions of these statements. Rajshahi Board-2015

(a) Nobody believes a cheat,       ?
(b) Everybody hates him,        ?
(c) He has to drag a miserable life,             ?
(d) He can hardly succeed in life,         ?
(e) Let us always speak the truth,               ?
6.Make tag questions of these statements.  Borisal Board-2015
(a) Nuclear has some advantage,          ?
(b) There are only a few family members,         ?
(c) It is calm and quiet,         ?
(d) So, one can have peace and happiness in a nuclear family,        ?
(e) One need not think of others,        ?
 7.Make tag questions of these statements.Sylhet Board-2015
(a) Everyone is nostalgic in life,         ?
(b) We hardly forget the golden past,        ?
(c) The memories of childhood are always haunting us,         ?
(d) Nothing is more pleasant to man than the sweetest memories of childhood,         ?
(e) There fore, let’s practice it,         ?

Monday, August 12, 2019

Tag Question

Tag Question 
Primary Discription:A Tag Question is the question asked  by the speaker after a negative or affirmative statement during conversation .Through a Tag Question the speaker wants to have an answer in support of the statement .It is a Question for more assurances from the audience . 
     Tag Question হচ্ছে বক্তা কর্তৃক করা হ্যা-বাচক বা না বাচক প্রশ্ন ;এটি আলোচনার সময় তিনি করে থাকেন ।এখানে বক্তা তার বিবৃতির পক্ষ্যে শ্রোতার সমর্থন প্রত্যাশা করেন । মূলতঃ এটি শ্রোতার অধিক নিশ্চয়তা পাওয়ার জন্য কৃত প্রশ্ন ।
  Here: 1.The used the auxiliary verb or modal in the sentence  is again used to make the Tag Question .   বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত সাহায্যকারী ক্রিয়া বা Modal Verb পুণরায় Tag Question সৃষ্টিতে ব্যবহৃত হয় 
 2.The noun used as subject is again used by pronoun .
         বাক্যে কর্তা হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত বিশেষ্য পুণরায় সর্বনাম হিসেবে Tag Question সৃষ্টিতে ব্যবহৃত হয় ।
          Example:  Kamal is a good boy ,isn’t he ?
          উদাহরণঃকামাল একজন ভাল ছেলে ,সে কি নয় ?
     3.Will, would are used  as Tag Question  for the requesting of a sentence .
       Imperative Sentence_এর Tag Question সৃষ্টিতে Will, would,can ,could ব্যবহৃত হয়।
    4.The sentence which reveals  proposal or begins with let’s ,takes shall for making Tag Question .           Example:Let’s go for a walk ,shall we ?
     5.The contracted form of the auxiliary verbs is used as the Tag Question. Tag Question তৈরিতে                  সাহায্যকারী ক্রিয়ার সংকুচিত রুপ ব্যবহৃত হয় ।
যেমনঃ   Verbs Contracted form   Is not isn’t Are not Aren’t   Shall not Shan’t Will not Won’t Do not Don’t                                     
    6.Contracted form of subjects and verbs  .
  Subject +verb 
Contracted form 
I would                
  I had                    

a.I would go to Dhaka during my early age ,wouldn’t I ?
 =I’d go to Dhaka during my early age ,wouldn’t I?
b.I had gone to Dhaka ,hadn’t I?  
 = I’d gone to Dhaka , hadn’t I?
     7. We can use a positive tag after a positive imperative
         Teacher: Get out your books, will/would/can/could you?

         8. A negative tag expresses greater feeling.
            Doctor: Keep still, won't/can'tyou?

           This suggests that the doctor is especially anxious that the patient should keep still,

          or annoyed because the patient cannot keep still.
          9. In warnings, reminders and good wishes, the tag is won'tyou? after a positive

            imperative and will you? after a negative.

           Have a nice holiday, won'tyou?

           Don'tforget your key, will you?
        10. In offers and invitations the tag is will you? or won'tyou?

         Have a chocolate, will/won'tyou?

        These tags make the sentences more emphatic.

Tag Question Exercise -1
1.         I go to school , _________?
2.         I do not go to school,__________?
3.         You go to school,________?
4.         You do not go to school,_________?
5.         He goes to school,____________?
6.         He does not go to school,___________?
7.         They go to school,_____________?
8.         I am happy,________?
9.         He is happy ,___________?
10.       You are a student,___________?
11.       He hardly goes there ,__________?
12.       I have a few books,_____________?
13.       Birds can fly,_________?
14.       They work hard,____________?
15.       Kamal and Rahim read books ,________?
16.       Kamal as well as Rahim went to market,__________?
17.       Some of them phoned me,____________?
18.       Some of you can help him,___________?
19.       Everybody likes him,_____________?
20.       Everybody came forward to help you ,__________?

Check Your Answer: Tag Question Exercise -1

1.don’t I ? I ?  3.don’t you ? you ?    5. doesn’t he ? 6.does he ? 7.don’t they ?8.aren’t I ? 9.isn’t he ? 10.aren’t you ? 11.does he ?12.have I ? 13.can they ? 14.don’t they ?15.don’t they ?/didn’t they ? 16.didn’t he ? 17 .didn’t they ? 18.can’t you ? 19.don’t they ? 20 . didn’t they ?

Tag Question Exercise -2
1.Let's go for a walk,shall we?
2.Let us have some fun,shall we?
3.Let him go there, will you?
4.Come here,won't you/will you?
5. Don't go there,will you?
6.Don't tell a lie,will you?
7.Open the door,will you ?
8.Honey tastes sweet,doesn't it?
9.The poor wanted a help,didn't they?
10.Kindly do me a favour, will you/can't you?
11.None can do this, can they?
12.Nobody dislikes flowers, do they?
13.Everybody is working, aren't they?
14.He put the book on the table, didn't he?
 15.Please give me a book,would you/will you?
16.You have a dog, don't you/haven't you?
17.You do not have a dog,do you ?
18.The mother rose in her,didn't it ?
19.Have a cup of tea,will you ?
20.How nice the girl is! isn't she ?

Tag Question Exercise -3

1.Practice makes a man perfect,  doesn’t it ?
2.The baby is innocent,  isn’t it  ?
3.A barking dog seldom bites, does it ?
4.Every mother loves her child,  don’t they   ?
5.Economics is my favourite  subject,  isn’t it ?
6.You need not go to the field, need you ?
7.What a wonder it is! isn’t it ?
8.Allah alone can help us,  can’t He ?

9.Nothing is impossible on earth,  is it ?
10.Let them work in the field will you ?
11.This is a nice book, isn’t it  ?
12.Some of mangoes were ripe, weren’t they?
13.The colour of her eyes is black, isn’t it ?
14.The mice made holes, didn’t they ?
15.We ought to love our country, oughtn’t we?
16.The committee appointed him Headmaster, didn’t they?
17.People elected him a MP,  didn’t they?
18.The Peasantry of Bangladesh did not lead a happy life,  did they ?
19.The brave deserve the fair, didn’t they  ?
20.No pains, no gains, is it ?

Tag Question Exercise -4
1.I need go there ,don’t I  ?
2.He as well as his brother went there,didn’t he?
3.He’s waiting for me ,isn’t he ?
4.He’s done the work, hasn’t he?
5.He’d a cow ,didn’t he ?
6.He’d gone to school,hadn’t he?
7.He’d go there, wouldn’t he ?
8.He said that he had done the work,  didn’t he?
9.What he says is true, isn’t it?
10.Nobody cares, don’t they?
